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Wiles--Modules 16-18

Wiles--Modules 16, 17, & 18 Review--Periodic Table

What does the Octet Rule state? With the exception of the first shell which is stable or full with 2 valence electrons, all other shells are stable or full with 8 valence electrons.
If an atom has an oxidation # of +3, what does it do to chemically combine? lose its 3 valence electrons
What gas was produced when sodium and water react? hydrogen gas
Define malleability Ability of a metal to be hammered or pounded into a thin sheet.
In the modern periodic table, elements are arranged in order of ______ _______ _______. increasing atomic numbers
In forming binary ionic compounds, nonmetals tend to ___ valence electrons. gain
How many elements were identified when Mendeleev was making cards and trying to arrange them into a periodic table? 63
Mendeleev arranged elements in the first periodic table by _____ _____ _____. increasing atomic masses
What words means repeating at regular intervals? periodic
How old was Henry Moseley when he died? 27
What nationality was the scientist Henry Moseley? British
Are rusting and tarnishing chemical or physical properties of metals? chemical
What word means shininess of a metal? luster
What word means the ability of a metal to be drawn into a thin wire? ductile
What is the superscript of elements in the halogen family? -1
What is the charge on an ion of sulfur? -2
What is the oxidation number of lithium? +1
Give 4 physical properties of metals. Ductile, malleable, high melting point, high density, good conductors of heat and electricity, high luster, solid at room temperature
Who published the first periodic table? Dimitri Mendeleev
List 4 of the 5 properties that Menveleev used to organize elements? (He listed these on his cards) Density, color, atomic mass, melting point, and valence
Isotopes of the same element have different numbers of ___. neutrons
What happens to atomic size as you move down a family? increases or gets bigger
What are electrons found in the outermost energy level of an atom referred to as? valence electrons
What are the two rows that stand alone at the bottom of the periodic table collectively called? inner transition metals
An atom has 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 8 neutrons. What is its atomic number? 6
How many valence electrons are in the Boron family? 3
What happens to atomic size from left to right across a period? gets smaller
What is the name of the series that uranium is found in? actinide or actinoid series
What nationality was the scientist Dimitri Mendeleev? Russian
What are elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals called? metalloids
What is another term for noble gases? Inert gases
Which group is it by name? Group that loses electrons most easily? alkali metals
What is the mass of an atom with 26 protons, 26 electrons, and 30 neutrons? 56 amu
Which element is called the "basis of life"? carbon
What happens to metallic properties as you move across a period? decrease
Which of the following is a halogen? iodine, silver, sodium, or carbon iodine
What happens as you move across a period to the energy needed to remove an electron? increases
What element is most abundant in the Earth's atmosphere? nitrogen
What are Group B elements collectively called? transition metals
How many periods are on the periodic table? 7
Why are groups in the periodic table often referred to as families? The elements share many of the same or similar properties
What family is it by name: Has oxidation number of +4 or -4 carbon family
What are horizontal rows on the periodic table called? periods or series
What happens to atomic number as you move across a period? increases
What are the elements to the left of the dark zigzag line on the periodic table called? metals
Which family is being described: contains the second most active metals? alkaline earth metals
What is the first row of the inner transition metals called? lanthanoid or lanthanide series
What is a vertical column on the periodic table called? group or family
What is the oxidation number of Group VIA elements? -2
What is the gradual wearing away of a metal due to chemical reaction in which the metal element is changed into a metallic compound? corrosion
What group is it by name: These elements do not combine with other elements normally. Noble or inert gases
What is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust and the second most abundant element in the atmosphere? oxygen
Is it likely or unlikely for potassium and iron to react with each other? unlikely
Explain why the elements in Group VIIIA are relatively stable or unreactive? Their valence energy level is full (stable) and it does not need to gain or lose any valence electrons to become stable.
State the periodic law. The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
What group is it by name: These elements are very reactive, strongly nonmetallic, and react readily with metals to form salts. Halogens
What is the atomic number of an element defined as? the number of protons
What group is it by name: These metals are so soft they can be cut with a knife. Alkali metals
Is it likely or unlikely that copper and oxygen will react to form a binary ionic compound? likely
What is a charged atom called? Ion
What type of a bond hold ions together? Ionic
What is another term for oxidation number? Superscript
What is a compound? Two or more elements chemically combined
What is the smallest unit of an element with properties of that element? Atom
What is the smallest unit of a compound with properties of that compound? Molecule
What two things does a chemical formula indicate? The elements present in the compound and the number of atoms of that element
What is the name of the number in a formula which indicates the number of atoms present? Subscript
What is the overall charge on an ionic compound? 0 or neutral
How many elements are present in a binary ionic compound? two
What would be the name for NaCl? Sodium chloride
What would be the name for BaS? Barium sulfide
What would be the chemical formula for aluminum phosphide? AlP
What is the formula for Iron (II) oxide? FeO
What is the name of CuO? Copper (II) oxide
How is an ionic bond formed? Transferring valence electrons or from one element losing valence electrons and one element gaining valence electrons
What are the most reactive metals on the periodic table? Group IA metals or alkali metals
What are the most reactive nonmetals on the periodic table? Group VIIA or halogens
Be able to draw an electron dot diagram for any element I give you. Sorry, I can not post answers here because this program will only let me type letters....I can not show symbols. See your book for review
Why must you show the oxidation of a transition metal in parentheses in a compound name? Because most transition metals can have differing amounts of valence electrons. Thus, each transition metal can various oxidation states. You must specify which oxidation number is present in the compound.
What is the general ending for the nonmetal's name in binary ionic compound nomenclature? -ide
What type of elements generally form binary ionic compounds? a metal generally combines with a nonmetal
How many additional electrons are required to complete the outer energy level of a phosphorous atom? three
What is the name of NiBr? Nickel (I) bromide
What is the name of MnS? Manganese (II) sulfide
How many periods are there on the periodic table? 7
How many families are there on the periodic table? 18
What factor determines chemical reactivity of an element? valence electrons
Define malleability. Able to be hammered or pounded into a thin sheet.
From left to right across a period, what is the periodic trend regarding amount of energy needed to remove an electron? It increases
From left to right across a period, what is the periodic trend regarding atomic size? It decreases
From top to bottom of a group, what happens to atomic size? It increases
From left to right across a period, what is the periodic trend regarding metallic nature? It decreases
From left to right across a period, what is the periodic trend regarding valence electron number? It increases
True or false??? Scientists have synthesized some of the elements that occur on the periodic table True; see pages 415 and 441 in your textbook if you did not know this
If hydrogen is a non-metal, why is it placed to the left of the stairstep with the alkali metals? Because it has one valence electron like all of the other Group IA elements
Why are metals good conductors of heat and electricity? Because the valence electrons are weakly held and can travel relatively freely
What type of bond hold the atoms of a bar of gold (or any other metal) together? metallic bonding
What group of metals often occur in nature as uncombined elements? Transition metals because they are less reactive than Groups IA and IIA metals
What is the only metal that is a liquid at room temperature? Mercury
What is the only non-metal tha is liquid at room temperature? Bromine
_______ are different molecular structures of the same element. allotropes
Elements that have more than 92 protons are called _____ _____. transuranium elements
What two pieces of information does a chemical formula indicate? What elements are present in the compound and the number of atoms present for each element
How is a compound produced? by chemically combining two or more elements
The force that holds atoms together in a compound is called a _______ ________. chemical bond
What type of a chemical bond is formed by transferring valence electrons? ionic bonds
What is the smallest unit of an element with properties of the element? atom
What is the smallest unit of a compound with properties of the compound? molecule
Created by: lburris
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