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pshychology november 14th

abraham maslow dates 1908- 1970
the heierarchy of needs pyramid is also known as the motivational pyramid
levels of the motivational pyramid 1. self accualisation 2. esteem needs 3. belongingness and love 4. saftey and security 5. physical needs
phyisical needs food, water, shelter, homeless, 3rd world countries
saftey && security you need to feel that the world is safe and secure
belongingness and love you need someone who accepts you and your faults weaknesses you also need to give love back
esteem needs you feel that you are competent and that you have achieved in some area, your job, sports, socially
self accualization you have reached full and unique ptential everyone has a potential ghandi abe lincoln mother theresa
charactersitics of the self accualized have had a peak experience, near death, saw someone die, accident, have children, illness or disease scare, religious experience, not self driven, indpendent thinkers, see beauty in the simple things, spontaneous, courage to be unpopular, humor is at a hi
mpd did multiple personality disorderdisociative identitiy disorder
dates of mpd goes back to teh 1920's 1980's 200 cases diagnosed presentley there are more than 100,000 (more abuse, layoffs, people know about ti
each multipe has a .. seperate identity
gretchen divorced, no custody - all money goes to therapy - keeps a journal
gretchen .. positives she has to face the pain (soul scraping) she has to face it and move on , she get best one depending on the situation and desires it
john.. history, positives, prognosis was in the army, tourtured as a child was abused by women, men, priests, diviorced 3xs really good at job post tramatic stress and depression he dosent see the impact prognosis will go in and out
barb married with three kids has a supportive husband (only reason she is functioning) her father abused her was a pimp had numerous abortions starting at 13 family covered everything up animals were tourtured in front of her father tourtured with his dentist
reasons for mpd extreme sexual abuse
differences amoung alters super human skills stregnths different eyesight allergies age handwriting voice prints
mpd/did treatment curable disease avg 7-10 yrs. of treatment 28% different alergies 10% of children recieve threatment as children abuse stunts growth continue in violent realationships as adults 90% of mpd are female
carl rodgers dates 1902 - 1987
carl rodgers.. therapy types think of mr. rodgers client person centered therapy
client centered therapy chilent is in charge, trust, in controll, more comfortable therapist needs to open up share feelings
pros of client centered therapy you dont feel alone, trust them, chance for recovery , therapist looks real
cons of client centered therapy can loose focous
how to conduct client centered therapy acceptance as is, unconditional positive regard you dont judge - they think its ok if you feel totally accepted then you will change
empathy active listening eye contact body language
i understand... never say this belittles the suffering takes focous off them reflect back to them and they will share more
albert bandura date 1961
albert bandura observational learning... you copy others behavior (peer group, parents, siblings) ie. after columbine every state but vermont had an identical threat
solution to copy cats limit media
babies and tv by 14 months babies immitate actions on tv
jews and european christians european christians who risked their lives to save jew had l close relationship with parent who modeled strong moral pricipals
ivan pavlov dates 1849-1936
when did pavlov win russias nobel peace prize 1904
pavlov's dog experiment salavary secretion in dogs, dogs digestive systems dogs relized that lab coat ment food he argued about what dog was thinking
name for experiment classical conditioning
neurtral stimuli used red ballon, circle picture, leg touch, bell
conclusion of pavlovs we have conditioned fears and actions
examples of pavlov you only smoke when you drink if you stop drinking you will stop smoking you have to think what you are conditioned for
1992 study dom jan sexual arousal of quail.. with lights etc..
erik erikson formed psycosocial stages he was friends with freud he disagreed with psycosexual of freud freud never spoke to him again environment and society
erikson and time period what timeperiod you are raised in matters , depression, war, famine, civil rights
what did he agree with freud on? your experience early in life impacts your life abuse shuts you down
psycosocial stages and ages 1-3.. atonamy vs. shame and doubt 3-5.. initiative vs. guilt6-11.. industry vs inferiority 12-18.. identity vs identity confusion19-25.. intimacy vs isolation35-50 generativity vs stagnation50- death ego integrity vs ego despair
living dolls self concept is formed in family
ideas about what parents value start day one appearance, grades, religion, sports, popularity
swan self concept is apperance, lacks a father, mother ignores other children, older brother in and out of jail, mom expects son to be in jail, financially all exrea money goes to padgents
lesley bultler pros... encouraging parents, very wealthy cons.. no mother, deliberatley taking away parent two gay father attitude
positive of padgents social, meet new people, confidence, work as a team, learn how to loose
negatives of padgents too much pressure, im a failure, no inner qualities, no long term stdies
Created by: ebergkamp
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