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november 13th exam

Charles Cooley Dates 1864-1929
the looking glass self.. what he believed your self concept is based on how others percieve you
4 questions that are more important than reality 1. my friends think i am ...2. my family thinks i am...3. teachers think i am ...4. i view myself as...
looking glass self points you want answers to be smiliar, others can be correct but you will believe it, parents and peers
George Mead Dates 1863-1931
the 2 sides the I- individualitythe ME- expectations and attitudes of others significant others are very important in development of the me
influential people parents... peers... daycare overall are peoples attitues positive or negative? ..shapes behavior
sigmund freud 0-5 are the critical years for development these years shape you for the rest of your life
4 main socilization groups 1. family2. school3. peer group4. media
family develop self concept if you are cared for you will care for yourself
school how differenet would you be going to home school/ public/ rual/ private school? japan- 240 school days usa- 178 days of school usa is at the bottom for math and science sweeden is at the top usa sucks at education
peer group incredible influence
media highest rate of tv ownership 99%
socialclass and TV viewing low- 7hrs a day avg. minorities watch 40% more tv than whites
1996 ama study usa medical ass. ama declared violence in the media had reached levels that are harzardous to the countrys well being morally and physically tv= aggressive behavior
tv shows and kids showed power rangers 7xs more violent showed little house .. sharing / nice
feral children children who live without socialization.. wild
victor helped by Dr. Atar he was surrounded with love and affection showed empathy but no language
what makes something human? 1. empathy- animals display this (monkeys & elephants) 2. language- can teach animals sign language
chimp child experiment small child raised with chimp the child became chimp like
bi standard tolerence why certain people get involved in disturbances
kitty genovese 1970's new york middle class new yourk attack lasted 30 min. 38 citizens knew what was going on "ididnt want to get involved"
rape you know a wrong is being committed but you fail to act -" for evil to prevail good men must go nothing "
Stolkholm Snydrome 4 conditions 1. percived threat to physical psychological survial you have to believe they will do it 2. your percieve small acts of kindness as thinking they care 3. controled by isolation 4. percieved that you have the inability to leave
bank stolkholm case august 23 19732 armed criminals entered a stolkholm bank take 3 women and one man hostage bound them with dynamite held them captive in a bank vault for 6 days
what captives did one became engaged to captor, one started defense fund they believed that criminals were protecting them from police
what is bonding to a capitive survival strategy, bonding helps endure abuse
examples of stolkholm kidnapped children, elizabeth smart, domestic violence, cults, POWS, sex trade industry, 11 year old girl that left
john and joe foster basics - adopted at birth- biological mother was 12- father has a series of strokes and leaves
problems with john and joe the father teaches self control they lack a father, they were involved with the law at age 7 1st suicide attempt age 10(john)
positives with john and joe do well academically
mothers charges emotional/physical/medical neglect (shooting goat)
home life nagging mother, putting down emo. abuse, boyfriend taunts them, no father, house is pressure cooker
sent were for free summit academey
spend __ in specialized foster home then __ 8.5 months, funding ran out
in the end mother is charged, boys are split up
young children and violent acts 5- thowing baby out window6- beating baby5- youngest school shooter
solution to children problems early intervention we spend 40,000$ a year per inmate should spend money on therapy at a young age
signs of disturbance show at ___ easy to see signs at __ -___ 18 months, 3-5 , cant control self
native americans large network of relatives extended familycousins are like siblings considered a collective culture
na dicipline low rate of child abuse, milestones in develpment are praised, no hitting or shouting, praise only given for special things
na cooperation sharing, competition is discouraged, not competitive with siblings
african americans strong bonds with grandmothers and older siblings older siblings help raise you will take in children when their parents cant take care of them
aa are socilalized to be raised by ... dicipline? independent and strong, raised by females, strict physical discipline
aa high rate of.. highest rate of deliquents because they never learn self control ( lack of father )
hispanic americans and children children are viewed as a gift from God they occupy a central position in the family children always accompany parents they are taught to be respectful and obedient
hispanic family loyalty extremley important, top priority above school
hispanics are sensitive to others, quick to help out but they wond ask for help
hispanic adolecence motherley love more important than wifey love, daughters are close to mothers, daughters stay home, males need worldly experience (later curfew)
hispanics and college few hispanic females in college because they marry have kids and a family
asians want.. children to have a sense of acceptance in family children taught to iD with family
asians are... spoiled from 0-5
at the age of 5 asians... limits are set and disipline is emposed
asian punishment pshycological you make child feel guilty, ashamed
asians and the elderly wisdom comes with age, no nursing homes
asians and poor grades want academic excellence they spend money on it shame extends to the entire family
asians... avoid confrontation, conform, polite, police hate pulling them over we is better than me
western culture individualismchildren play more
western culture... children play more, daycare, children sleep with parents, competition starts early, treat males and females differntly
Created by: ebergkamp
Popular Psychology sets




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