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Psychological Disord

Chapter 18 Psychological Disorders

Expression of psychological distress through physical symptoms somatization
Psychological disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality schizophrenia
Unrealistic preoccupation with the fear that one has a serious disease hyponchondriasis
Mood disorder involving a cycle of mood changes from depression to wild elation bipolar disorder
Coma like state catatonic stupor
Anxiety disorder involving a persistent, excessive, or irrational fear simple phobia
Cluster of symptoms that define or describe an illness in a cultural context cultural-bound syndrom
Separation of of personality traits or mental processes from conscious thoughts dissociation
Intense, persistent feelings of anxiety caused by traumatic experience post traumatic stress disorder
Dissociation disorder involving feelings of detachment from ones mind or body depersonalization
In the United States, psychological disorders affect almost one third of all adults
The most widely used classification scheme for psychological disorders is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Psychologists determine whether a person has a psychological disorder based on weather his or her behavior is all of the above
The short term anxiety disorder that may occur almost immediately after a traumatic event is post- traumatic stress disorder
According to psychoanalytic theory, anxiety disorders are the result of repressed childhood urges
Many people with panic disorder also have agoraphobia
Dissociative amnesia is caused by a traumatic event
A person with dissociative identity disorder has two or more personalities
Dissociative disorders have been explained by repression of unacceptable urges
Conversion disorders involve a change in physical functioning with no medical explanation
Hypochondriasis is a type of somatoform disorder
Mood disorders fall into the general categories of depression and bipolar disorders
A person in the manic phase may have delusions about superior abilities
People with disorganized schizophrenia are likely to experience all of the above
The personality disorder that causes people to be distruthful and suspicious of others is paranoid personality disorder
A person is diagnosed with major depression when he or she suffers from all of the above
People who are loners and cannot become attached to other people are likely to have schizoid personality disorder
Learning theorists suggest that personality disorders can be caused when children are not reinforced for good behavior
People with personality disorders suffer from disruptions in their social life or work because patterns of inflexible traits
Created by: Parkster
Popular Psychology sets




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