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Brain parts

Psyvh test

central nervous system consists of brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system made of nerve cells that send messages between ventral nervous system and the rest of the body
somatic nervous system (voluntary muscles) transmits sensory messages to central nervous system
autonomic nervous system (involuntary muscles) part of the brain that is involved in vital f functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing
gene basic building blocks of heredity, when 2 are combined they create traits
neuron nerve cells that receive, process and transmit info
dendrite part of the cell that branches out and receives info
myelin protects axon (white fatty substance)
cell body/ soma produces energy
chromosome composed of DNA, where genes can be found
axon terminals small fibers that branch out from the axon
hormone stimulate growth and other reactions
neurotransmitter chemicals that move across synapses to another neuron
limbic system involved in learning, memory, emotion, hunger, sex and aggression
association areas mainly shape info into something meaningful on which we can act
axon carries messages away
synapse junction between axon terminals and dendrites
spinal cord column of nerves protected by bones and spine, involved in spinalreflexes
endocrine system consists of glands that secrete hormones
heredity transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring
nervous systems 2 main parts: 1. central 2. peripheral
nervous system regulates body's internal functions and the way a person acts
neurons 3 parts 1. cell body 2. axon 3. dendrites
parasympathetic nervous system prepares body for dealing with emergencies
sympathetic nervous system calms body down after emergencies
hindbrain regulates heart rate and blood pressure
midbrain regulates vision and hearing
forebrain regulates complex processes
action poential brief change in electrical voltage between inside and outside of axon
EEG recording of neural activity detected by electrodes
TMS involves delivering a large current through a wire coil on a person's head
position emission tomography method for analyzing biochemical activity in the brain using injections of glucose sensors detect radioactivity
MRI method for studying brain tissues and body 3-D images
brain stem 3: 1. pons 2. medulla 3. RAS
pons involved in sleeping, walking and dreaming
medulla responsible for certain automatic functions (breathing and heart rate)
RAS arouses cortex and screens info
cerebellum regulates movement and balance involved in remembering certain skills and acquired reflexes
thalamus relays sensory info to cerebral cortex
hypothalamus involved in emotions, vital to survival regulates automatic nervous system
pit gland releases hormones
amygdala responsible for arousal, regulation of emotion, and initial response to sensory info *emotional memory*
hippocampus responsible for storage of new info in memory
cerebrum largest brain structure in charge of most sensory motor and cognitive functions
corpus callosum connects brain hemisphere, pathway of communication
cerebral cortex gray matter around brain
lobes of cerebral cortex 1. occipital (vision) 2. temporal (memory/perception) 3. parietal (somatosensory cortex) 4. frontal (emotion)
Created by: hibby243
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