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Drug Stem

Use/Type of DrugSystemDrug StemExamples
Antibiotic/ Antibacterial/ Antimicrobial Immune -cef, -ceph -cillen -cycline -oxacin -micin/-mycin -prim -sulfa cefaclor; cephalexin amoxicillin; ampicillin doxycycline; tetracycline ciprofloxacin gentamicin/ erythromycin trimethoprim sulfasalazine
Anticoagulant/ antithrombotic Circulatory -parin -paroid heparin; enoxaparin danaparoid
Antidepressant CNS -oxetine -pramine (tricyclics) -tyline -zodone paroxetine imipramine amitriptyline vilazodone
Antidiabetic Endocrine -formin gli-, -glipten -glitazone buformin; metformin glibenclamide; linagliptin; ciglitazone; rosiglitazone
Antiemetic Digestive -setron ondansetron
Antifungal Immune -conazole fluconazole
Antihypertensives Vasodilator ACE inhibitor ARB Cardiovascular -dralazine -pril -sartan hydralazine enalapril; lisinopril losartan; valsartan
Antimigraine Nervous -triptan sumatriptan
Antineoplastic N/A -abine, -arabine, -citabine -racil -tinib -vudine decitabine, fazarabine eniluracil imatinib telbivudine
Antipsychotics Nervous -peridol -peridone haloperidol risperidone
Antiviral Immune -vir, -vir- acyclovir
Barbiturate Nervous -barb phenobarbital
Benzodiazepine Nervous -azepam lorazepam; temazepam
Bronchodilators Respiratory -phylline -terol theophylline; aminophylline albuterol
Calcium channel blocker Cardiovascular -dipine -pamil -tiazem nifedipine; amlodipine verapamil diltiazem
Combined alpha beta blockers Alpha blockers Beta blockers Cardiovascular/ Nervous -alol -zosin -olol labetalol; medroxalol doxazosin; prazosin atenolol
Corticosteroid Immune -actide -asone -cort -olone -onide -pred-/pred- tetracosactide dexamethasone hydrocortisone prednisolone budesonide loteprednol
Diuretic Urinary -semide (loop) furosemide
Local anesthetic Nervous -caine bupivacaine; lidocaine
NSAID Nervous -icam -profen -sal, -sal-, sal- tenoxicam ibuprofen; ketoprofen mesalamine
PDE5 inhibitor (Impotence) Reproductive -afil tadalafil; sildenafil
Statins Cardiovascular -statin lovastatin; pravastatin
Antacid PPI (proton pump inhibitor) Histamine H2 Antagonist Digestive -aldrate -prazole -tidine magaldrate omeprazole cimetidine; ranitidine
Antiarrythmic Cardiovascular -arone amiodarone dronedarone
Created by: gmaria
Popular Pharmacology sets




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