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Abnormal Psych Test3

chap 7-9 study guide review

Annual number of suicides committed in the US? ~36,000 (36,547)
Suicide a self inflicted death, in which the person acts intentionally, directly, and consciously
Parasuicide a FAILED suicide attempt
Schneidman's classification system for suicide (4 D's) Death Seeker/ Death Initiator/ Death Ignorer/ Death Darer/
Death Seeker clearly intend to end their lives (at the time they commit suicide), this might change to confusion instead of intention the next hour or day
Death Initiator act out of belief that they're going to die anyway and they are just speeding up the process
Death Ignorer do not believe that their death will be the end of their experience, they believe that their next life will be better/happier than the life they are currently living
Death Darer experiencing mixed feelings/thoughts about death, even as they commit suicide (example: someone who plays russian roulette)
Retrospective Analysis -clinicians/researchers put together information about a person's past (friends/family/therapists can help provide past events or reasons that led to the suicide, suicide notes are also helpful)
Cultural/Ethnic factors, and gender difference in suicide rates CULTURAL/ETHNIC: White American and American Indian have much higher suicide rates when compared to African American, Hispanic American, Asian American...........GENDER: 3 times as many women attempt suicide as men
What triggers a suicide? current event's or conditions in a person's life/recent stressors.......and stressful events, mood and thought changes, alcohol and other drug use, mental disorders, modeling
Suicide and it’s relationship to the mood disorders mental disorders such as... depression(70%), chronic alcoholism(20%), and schizophrenia(10%)... are present in majority of all suicides
Why does suicide appear to “run in families”? when someone commits suicide it greatly impacts the family members/friends, and can impact them throughout their whole life. there is an increased risk of suicide if the person has a family member/friend who recently committed suicide
Can music inspire suicide? yes, one girl committed suicide because of My Chemical Romance
Neurotransmitter / Serotonin (and it’s relationship to suicide) Low activity of serotonin(found in the neurotransmitter) is strongly linked to depression/ many people who committed suicide were found to have abnormally low levels of serotonin
Perspectives/ explanations for underlying causes of suicide leading explanations come from PSYCHODYNAMIC, SOCIOCULTURAL, AND BIOLOGICAL MODELS
leading explanations for suicide (psychodynamic, sociocultural, and biological) PSYCHODYNAMIC: depression and seld-directed anger......... SOCIOCULTURAL: relationship w/ society (egoistic suicide, altruistic suicide, anomic suicide)........... BIOLOGICAL: low level of serotonin
What is an “altruistic suicide”? Suicide committed for benefit of others (someone jumping on top of grenade to save others)
Is suicide linked to age? likelihood of committing suicide increases with age (most suicides occur in middle-aged people)
Do antidepressants cause suicide? they increase risk of suicidal behavior
Dr. Kevorkian (Dr. Death)-do individuals have a right to commit suicide? Dr Kevorkian often referred to as "Dr. Death", he said that people who are terminally ill, should be permitted to commit suicide
Treatment 2 major categories of treatment: Treatment after suicide has been attempted(psychotherapy or drug therapy) AND Suicide prevention(suicide prevention programs and interventions)
Under what circumstances must a therapist break confidentiality? if a patient states intention to commit suicide, therapists are allowed to break confidentiality agreement
Suicide prevention-therapeutic techniques. suicide prevention programs and interventions..........(END OF CHAPTER 7 - SUICIDE)
(ch8) FACTITIOUS DISORDER (Munchausen syndrome and Munchausen syndrome by proxy) (give definition and symptoms) when someone fakes having physical symptoms, typically so that people assume that they are sick
Conversion Disorder (give definition and symptoms) when a person displays physical symptoms that greatly impact their life(negatively), but they don't know what is causing the symptoms (the example of Brian hurting his leg when his wife died, and believed that he could never walk again cuz of guilt)
Somatic Symptom Disorder (give definition and symptoms) people become distressed/concerned/obsessed about bodily symptoms and becomes huge disruption (concerns are disproportionate to symptoms)
What is “glove anesthesia”? damage to Ulnar nerve in the wrist affects ring and pinky finger and damage to the Radial nerve affects the other side of the hand, numbness starts at the wrist and affects the whole hand
Theoretical explanations of conversion and somatic symptom disorders PSYCHODYNAMIC VIEW: Frued believed these disorders caused by phallic stage in women(depends on amount of attention mom pays toward patient when they're infants) BEHAVIORAL: these bring rewards(receive drugs or lose spouse)
What is illness anxiety disorder (hypochondriasis)? obsessed with fact that they have a disorder or are developing one, even though they have NO symptoms (constantly checking themselves for signs of illness)
Identify the “traditional” psychophysiological disorders (previously known as “stress-related disorders) AEIOU.... Asthma, Essential Hypertension(chronic high blood pressure), Insomnia, Obesity, Ulsars(holes in stomach that cause burning, bleeding, etc.)
Type A Personality Anger, Hostility, driveness, impatience, competitiveness, ambition (always worked up, causes stress often)
Type B Personality relax, less aggressive, less concern about time
Factors that contribute to psychophysiological disorders Biological Factors(defects in nervous system), Psychological Factors(overreact to stressors), Sociocultural Factors(social factors, such as poverty and race, produce ongoing stressors)
What is the significance of the Holmes and Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale? this scale assigned numeric values to stressors that most people experience (Holmes and Rahe got a large sample of participants to indicate stressors)
What is Psychoneuroimmunology? relation between stress and immune system/health
What is “behavioral medicine? Describe some psychological treatments for physical disorders? a field that combines info from psychological interventions and info from physical interventions, and relates them to treat or prevent medical problems. (examples: relaxation training, meditation, hypnosis, interventions) ........(END OF CHAPTER 8)
(ch9) Anorexia Nervosa (Definition) disorder marked by pursuit of extreme thinness and by extreme loss of weight
Anorexia Nervosa: Symptoms and main features SYMPTOMS: maintains significantly low body weight, intensely fears becoming overweight, and has distorted view of her weight and shape......MAIN FEATURES: amenorrhea
What is binge eating disorder?
Perspectives regarding explanations of eating disorders
Treatments and recovery for eating disorders
Brain/hypothalamus and its relationship to eating disorderS (END OF CHAPTER 9)
Created by: matt0
Popular Psychology sets




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