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DTM Vocab
Term | Definition |
Demographic Transition Model (DTM) | Created By warren Thompson |
Industrial | of, relating to, or characterized by industry |
Industrial Revolution | was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. |
Crude Birth Rate | The crude birth rate is the number of live births occurring among the population of a given geographical area during a given year, per 1,000 mid-year total population of the given geographical area during the same year. |
Crude Death Rate | The crude death rate is the number of deaths occurring among the population of a given geographical area during a given year, per 1,000 mid-year total population of the given geographical area during the same year. |
Natural Increase Rate | In demographics, the rate of natural increase (RNI) is the crude birth rate minus the crude death rate of a population. |
Total Fertility Rate | The Total Fertility Rate (TFR), sometimes also called the fertility rate, period total fertility rate (PTFR) or total period fertility rate (TPFR) of a population is the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime if: |
Infant Mortality Rate | The infant mortality rate is an estimate of the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births. |
Zero Population Growth | the maintenance of a population at a constant level by limiting the number of live births to only what is needed to replace the existing population. |
Primary Economic Activity | The primary sector of the economy is the sector of an economy making direct use of natural resources. |
Infrastructure | the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. |
Subsistence Farming | Subsistence agriculture is self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families. |
Agriculture Production | The science of cultivating land, producing crops, and raising livestock. Agriculture definition. Tilling the ground (Gen. 2:15; 4:2, 3, 12) and rearing cattle were the chief employments in ancient times. |
Replacement Babies | babies that replace the babies that die before their 1st birthday. |
Famine | extreme scarcity of food. |
Epidemic | a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. |
Pandemic | of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world. |
Agriculture Revolution | An agricultural revolution or agrarian revolution is a period of transition from the pre-agricultural period characterized by a Paleolithic diet, into an agricultural period characterized by a diet of cultivated foods; |
Mechanization | Mechanization or mechanization (BE) is the process of doing work with machinery. In an early engineering text a machine is defined as follows: |
The Medical Revolution | Medical Revolution Medical technology invented in Europe and North America that is diffused to the poorer countries of Latin America, Asia, and Africa. |