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WGU-FoundofTeaching-SpecialEducation Ch2

Pl 94-142 The Education for All Handicapped Children Act IDEA-considered Bill of Rights for handicapped, to assure rights forparents, free appropriate education and services, least restictive environment, IEP, procedural due process, nondiscriminiatory assessment, parental participation
pros and cons of The Education for All Handicapped Children Act did not require services to preschool children with disabilities only small financial grants, mandated schools to id and evalutate children from birth through age 21 suspected of evidencing a disability not through census but child count of actual # of ch
Public Law 99-457 (1986 Amendments to Pl 94-142) changed the scope and intent of services provided to preschoolers w/ special needs and formulated a national policy for infants and toddlers at risk for and w/ disabilities, demanded that w/in 1991-1992 school year all preschoolers age 3-5 are to receive
Title I of PL 99-457 created the Handicapped Infants and Toddlers Program, a new provision aimed at children from birth-age 2 w/ developmental delays/disabilities (voluntary)coordinated, interagency
Eligible children for HITP must receive a multidisciplinary assessment and a written individualized family service plan (IFSP)
an IFSP must be reviewed how often? every 6 months
the law requires an IFSP to be reviewed how often? 1 year
and IFSP must be developed within how many days after referal? 45
Public Law 101-476 (1990 Amendments to PL 94-142) renamed PL 94-142 as IDEA, required that each student have by 16yrs old, an ITP
what is an ITP? individual transition plan, to help coordinate postschool functions
Public Law 101-476 also added 2 services social work and rehabilitation counseling
Public Law 101-476 id'd 2 distinct disability categories autism and traumatic brain injury
Public Law 101-476 had Congress repeal states immunity from lawsuits for violating IDEA
Public Law 101-336 (Americans with Disabilities Act)1990 forbids discrimination against persons w/ disabilities in public and private sector
what was the purpose of PL 101-336 Americans w/ Disabilities Act? to provide clear, strong, consistant, and enforceable standards prohibiting discrimination against individuals w/ disabilities w/out respect for their age, nature or extend of disaability
Public Law 105-17 (1997 Amendments to IDEA) restructed IDEA into 4 parts, revises some definitions and revvamps some key components
Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (PL 93-112) see study notes
Public Law 107-110 (No child left behind act of 2001) annual testing in grades 3-8, includes special ed.
interindividual differences differences between pupils, like height, reading ability, athleticism...
intraindividual differences unique pattern of strengths and weaknesses, differences withing the child
prereferral intervention occurs prior to initiating a referral for possible spec. ed. services
referral first step toward receiving special ed., written request to evaluate a student
child-find efforts IDEA-mandated screening and id. of individuals suspected of needing special. ed.
assessment refers to the process of gaterhing information for the purpose of making decisions
multidisciplinary team IDEA requires use of professionals, which one member must be a teacher and develops and individualized and comprehensive assessment package that evalutates broad developmental domains
norm-referenced test standardized test and are linked to interindividual differences
criterion-referenced tests are associated with intraindividual differences and can provide data that are useful for instructional planning
IEP must be developed at a minimum by whom? parent, teachers, special ed prof., rep from school distict and an individual able to interpret instruction information
least restrictive environment students w/ dis. should be educated in a setting that most closely approximates the general education classroom and still meets the unique needs of the individual
mainstreaming social and instructional integration of students with disabilities into educational programs whose primary purpose is to serve typically developing individuals.
regular education initiative call for shared responsibility b/t teacher and special ed.
full inclusion explosive and controversial, belief that all children w/ dis. should be taught exclusively in general education classrooms
elements of IEP 8 statement of students present levels of educational performance including how pupils disability affects his or her involvement in the general education curriculum 2) statement of annual goals and short-term goals/objectives/benchmarks that address student
Legally and IEP must be developed w/in how many days following evaluation? but before ? 30, a placement recommendation is formulated
an IEP is in essence a management tool that stipulates who will be involved in providing a specialeducation, what services will be offered, where they will be delivered, and for how long and gauges how sucessfully goals have been met
What is the purpose of a nondiscriminatory evaluation, and why is it necessary for a student to receive a nondiscriminatory evaluation before he/she receives special education services? every student has the right to receive an evaluation (with the permission of the parent) that is fair, accurate, and free from cultural/racial bias before any initial placement into special education disproportionate number of students from culturally div
What are the different stages within the nondiscriminatory evaluation process? Nondiscriminatory Evaluation, Screening, Prerefferal, formal referral, assessment, Eligibility and implementation, Evaluation,
Describe the role of the referring teacher along the beginning stages of the nondiscriminatory evaluation process. screening, collaboration and planning to help the student with the school faculty, maybe contact parents, collect schoolwork and have portfolio or record keeping
What are the implications of including the prereferral stage in the nondiscriminatory evaluation process? to avoid misplacement or discrimination
What are some strategies that can be used as prereferral interventions either at home or in the classroom? work with parents, edit teaching ways of planned curriculum, meet with SSST
Describe the different types of assessments that may be used and the individuals responsible for administering the assessments screening by school and district staff, observing the student or gathering information from the referring teacher and other sources such as the parents, or other school personnel to determine the nature of the student's difficulties by school psychologist
What are the responsibilities of the evaluation team with regard to eligibility and implementation for special education services? meets to share the assessment results and other relevant information, must make two decisions: (a) does the student have a disability as defined by IDEA? and (b) if the student has a disability, does he/she need special education services because of the d
Why should the evaluation team be sensitive to the parents´ feelings during the nondiscriminatory evaluation process? parents may not accept, may blame themselves, or teachers, may not trust what happens as a result of diagnosis
What is the significance of cultural and linguistic bias in assessment and the implications for referring students for special education? results of the assessment could result in a child being inappropriately identified as eligible for special education, and/or the results might not yield information that is helpful in instructional planning for the student,
What are some strategies that can be used to ensure that an evaluation/assessment truly reflects a student´s ability level and not cultural/linguistic bias a comprehensive assessment procedure that looks at the whole student in the context of his/her environment, a) using a variety of assessment tools and strategies to gather formal and informal information, (b) using short-term predictions of achievement ra
What is the purpose of giving the parents of students with disabilities procedural due process rights? Provide examples of a few parental rights guaranteed by IDEA purpose of giving parents due process rights is tri-fold: (a) to allow them input into their child's education; (b) to help them understand and question what the schools are doing with their child; and (c) to give them the opportunity to challenge the act
What is the mediation process, and why might this be a viable option for parents to use as an alternative to a due process hearing? Mediation gives both parties an opportunity to settle their differences with a neutral third party outside of the courtroom. due process hearing can be can be incredibly time consuming, emotionally draining, and expensive for all parties involved
What is the significance of the protection of evaluation procedures (PEP) to a student´s educational program? fair assessment practices and avoid misclassification and helps determine correct educational program
What is the purpose of developing an individualized education program (IEP) and individualized family services plan (IFSP)? List some of the required elements in the IEP/IFSP. IEP ensure that instructional goals and objectives are developed for a student who is eligible for special education that are unique and appropriate to his/her exceptional learning needs, IFSP also specifies the outcomes and services for families. Specifi
Who are the some of the members on the IEP team, and why is it so important to have the student´s parents as members of this team? student,parent,teacher, sp.ed. teacher, rep of local school,interpreter of instructional implications
What is the goal of the IEP conference, and what are some expected outcomes from the meeting? to develop an IEP that is most appropriate for the student; provide direction for the nature of the program and/or services to be provided. They also serve as criteria in determining the extent to which an IEP or IFSP has been fully provided and progress
Define and briefly explain the four principles of effective instruction (according to Ysseldyke and Algozzine´s model), and discuss why they are applicable if you are teaching students with or without disabilities planning instuction-process of first assessing the students' ability levels and taking them into consideration when planning for the curriculum and content, materials and activities, delivery of instruction, and evaluation procedures; managing instruction
Describe some strategies that you can use to help you plan and manage your classroom in order to minimize behavior disruptions. well-established routines and procedures.The physical space is organized to facilitate learning. Transitions between activities are short. Few interruptions break the flow of classroom activities. The classroom has an academic, task-oriented focus. Suffic
What are the different types of evaluation, and why is evaluation such a necessary and significant part of instruction formative-helps determine changes in instruction, summative-like tests, quizzes,determine whether the student is benefiting from the instruction or has met the instructional objective
What is the definition of collaboration, and why is collaboration becoming increasingly necessary in education? What are some strategies that can be used to enhance collaboration between educational professionals? process of sharing expertise, interests, and strengths of everyone involved in the educational process; students with and without disabilities can receive the best of both worlds-access to the general education curriculum, expert knowledge, and individual
Created by: ageorge08
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