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gat110f14 Midterm

A set of r objects selected from a set of n object where order does not matter is called what? Combination
An arrangement of r objects selected from a set of n objects where order matters is called what? Permutation
Chess and Alquerque were carried into Spain by what culture? Moors
Dominoes first arrived in Europe during the 18th Century through what country? Italy
Dominoes were invented in what country? China
Each time a player forms 3 in a row in this game, he removes an opponent's piece. Name the game. 9 Men's Morris
Emperor Akbar played what race game with harem slaves acting as the pieces that moved as directed by the throws of six cowrie shells? Pachisi
Identify the two suits of Chinese dominoes Military, Civilian
Identify this game which is the pinnacle of the evolution of this type from Nard. (picture of backgammon) Backgammon
Identify this game with a river and palaces. Xiangqi ( Chinese Chess )
Identify this game. ( Picture of board with rose squares ) Royal Game of Ur
Identify this Pachisi descendant introduced to England in 1896. ( Picture of Cross with dice on top right, looks like Pachisi ) Ludo
If the number of times something is repeated becomes larger and larger, the proportion of success will tend to come closer and closer to the actual probability of success. This is called what? Law of Large Numbers
In 1935, Robert Barton decided to purchase a game from Charles Brace Darrow that had previously been rejected for having “fifty-two fundamental playing errors” that ended up saving Parker Brothers. What was the game? Monopoly
In 1981, Parker Brothers paid Sega a $500K advance to create an Atari cartridge port for what popular arcade game? Frogger
In the 1920's, Sir Leanard Woolley discovered five boards of what game from Sumeria that has distinctive rosette-patterned spaces? Royal Game of Ur
King Louis XI of France had the first known indoor version of what game? Billiards
Monopoly was based on what earlier game by Elizabeth Magie Phillips that advocated the Single Tax Theory? The Landlord's Game
Morris and possibly Alquerque board carvings were found at what site in Egypt? Temple of Kurna
Name 3 Dice games. Yahtzee, Liar's Dice, Farkle
Name 5 variants/derivatives of Chess. Shogi ( Japanese Chess ), Xiangqi ( Chinese Chess ), Maharaja & The Sepoys, Gala ( Farmer's Chess ), courier Game
Name a dominoes game in which each player has their own line of play. Mexican Train
Name at least five game families (hint: chapter names in R.C. Bell Book. War, Position, Dice, Card, Race
Name at least three games from the tables group of race games. Royal Game of Ur, Senet, Nardshir/Nard, Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum, Tabula, Fayles, Backgammon
Name at least two civilization developments that allow the creation of more complex games. Writing, Paper, Literacy, Mathematics, Laws
Name the three major dexterity games published by George Parker before 1903. Ping Pong, Pillow Dex, Tiddledy Winks
Name the two main sub-types of European domino games. Block - Empty your hands first, Draw - Score the most points and draws more
Name this Aztec gambling race game. Patolli
Name three core survival mechanisms that underlie all games. Combat, Racing, Cunning
Name three descendants of Pachisi. Sorry!, Parcheesi, Ludo, Trouble, "Mensch ärgere dich nicht"
Name two mechanisms that have been used for divination that have inspired families of games (Hint: see Evolution of Games handout) Dice, Tarot
Pente is a variant of what game? Gomoku
Shogi is also known by what name? Japanese Chess
The game “La Conquete Du Monde” published by Miro Company in France and invented by the movie producer Albert Lamorisse (famous for The Red Balloon) was published in 1959 with some rules changes as what game of world domination? Risk
The Kiowa Indians in Oklahoma play this cross and circle game with runners and dice sticks. Zohn Ahl
The psychological state that emerges from great player patterns is called what? Flow
This ancient Egyptian game was mentioned in the Arabic work Kitab-al Aghani in 976 CE and carried by the Moors into Spain. (22 black and 22 white pieces on a 5x5 cross-crossed grid) Alquerque
This game belongs to which family? (Picture of board with 2 large holes on opposite ends, and set of smaller holes in between ) Mancala
Vacor de Mexico is the world's largest manufacturer of what? Marbles
Wei-ch'i is more commonly known as what? Go
What “whodunit?” game designed by a government actuary named Anthony Pratt was published by Parker Brothers in 1949? Clue
What are the cubical dice made from the talus of hoofed animals commonly called? Knucklebones
What are the mechanics of mancala sometimes called? Sowing or Count and Capture
What are the three main divisions of billiards games? Carroms, Pool, and Snooker
What automotive-themed game that eventually evolved into Milles Bornes was originally published in 1906 before Parker Brothers acquired it in 1928 and took it on to national success as "one of the largest-selling games ever published”? Touring
What backgammon precursor from Arabia has rich symbolism with board representing the calendar? Nard
What board game designed by the Swiss mathematician Blaise Muller in 1991 and played on a 4x4 game board is not unlike an advanced version of Noughts & Crosses? Quarto
What Castilian monarch (1251 - 1284) was the author of Libro de los Juegos (The Book of Games)? Alfonso X
What chess variant is the probable origin of the modern chess Bishop's movement? Courier Game
What Chinese card game is an almost certain direct ancestor to Mahjong? Matiao
What Chinese game is similar to Stratego, but features animals and perfect information? Jungle or Animal Chess
What Chinese game is the most probable recent ancestor to L'attaque, designed by Mdme. Hermance Edan in 1908? Luzhanqi / Jun Qi
What company did Parker Brothers sell to in 1968? General Mills
What cross and circle game from Korea has pieces called MAL or horses? Nyout
What dexterity game originated in 12th Century China as a divinatory device before spreading to Korea, Japan, and the Haida Indians of British Columbia Spellicans or "Pick up Sticks"/Jackstraws
What dexterity game's name is derived fromthe Swahili word for "to build"? Jenga
What family of attrition games arose in Africa and whose name comes from the Arabic word for "to move"? Mancala
What family of ring tossing games originated in Ancient Greece? Quoits
What game did Edward Cayce, a self-proclaimed psychic sell to Parker Brothers in 1903? Pit
What game has seats named after winds? Mahjong
What game invented c.1883 by George H. Monks and published by E.I. Horseman in 1885 was later reconfigured from a 16x16 board to a 6-pointed star and published as Chinese Checkers? Halma
What game invented in China possibly during the Eastern Zhou period (770-221 BCE) was introduced to the United States by Captain m. Donaldson in 1816? Tangrams
What game launched in 1963 by Parker Brothers and outsold Monopoly that year was a redesigned version of Parker Brothers’ Touring by Edmund Dujardin and published by Miro Company, which Parker Brothers had recently acquired a 40% stake in? Mille Bornes, Milles Borne, Milles Bornes, Mille Borne
What game renamed by J. Pressman Co. in 1928 was originally published by Ravensburger in 1892 as Stern-Halma? Chinese Checkers
What game traces back to at least 1744 when it was mentioned in a children's book as Chuck Farthing? Pitch Penny (or 'toad in the hole' - same, but different board)
What game trademark did George Parker acquire from Joseph Babcock in 1923? Mah-Jongg
What game's movement symbolizes souls drifting through the Egyptian world of the dead? Senet
What group of games similar to billiards is played with the fingers and wooden disks? Carroms or Crokinole
What hit game with a “success formula” of fame, happiness and money was published by Parker Brothers in 1957 after being invented and published by Dr. James C. Brown in 1955? Careers
What is a general rule for quickly determining the average roll of an N-sided die where N is an even number? (N / 2) + (1 / 2)
What is another name for English Draughts? Checkers
What is the common English name for Shahr-e Sukhte, the Iranian city where the world's oldest dice were discovered? Burnt City
What is the common name of Noughts and Crosses? Tic Tac Toe
What is the English name of the game that Francesco de Medici gave to King Phillip II of Spain as a present? Game of Goose
What is the name of the board that Chaturanga is played on? Ashtapada
What is the name of the draw pile of dominoes? Boneyard or Woodpile
What is the name of the most common dominoes game played in the United States? Fools
What is the name of the square arrangement of tiles that you draw from in Mah-Jongg? Kong Wall
What is the name of this game from China? (Picture of simple geometric shapes in a square) Tangrams
What is the oldest predecessor to Chess whose name means "quadripartite"? Chatarunga
What Italian lawn game evolved from bowling? Bocce
What marble-based game was released by Atari in 1984? Marble Madness
What mechanism was used as a randomizer in Victorian Era board games? Teetotums (spinning tops with flat sides)
What Milton Bradley dexterity game published in 1966 and popularized on The Tonight Show was patented by Charles Foley and Neil Rabens? Twister
What modern dexterity game evolved from the game of knucklebones? Jacks
What mystical race game from India was used for religious instruction and since R.H. Harte introduced it in 1893, is played on a square board with 100 squares? Snakes & Ladders
What painting auction game invented by Marvin Glass and Associates and published by Parker Brothers in 1971 was the subject of a law suit by Christian Thee who claimed that he had invented the game? Masterpiece
What patience game is played on a traditional Fox and Geese board? Peg Solitaire
What pitching game held its first world championship in 1910 in Bronson, Kansas? Horseshoes
What popular 1978 toy released by Parker Brothers used a microprocessor made by Texas Instruments and contained 6 different games? Merlin
What positional game published by Milton Bradley in 1974 was also published on the Microvision handheld game console? Connect Four
What product did Parker Brothers acquire in 1967 that had been invented in 1890 and was the most expensive acquisition in company history at $975,000 in cash, which then went on to outsell Monopoly that year? Ouija Board
What smaller offshoot of Shovelboard originally played with Edward IV groats traces back to at least 1522 when it was banned by Henry VIII? Shove Ha'Penny (also called 'Slype Groat' or 'Shove Groat')
What spiral race game published by W. & S.B. Ives in the US in 1843 was attributed to Anne Abbot, but was actually designed by George Fox and published in 1800 in London? The Mansion of Happiness
What symmetrical Roman game (probable precursor to Seega) that used Custodian Capture was found by Varro and on Hadrian's Wall? Ludus Latrunculorum
What toy did Parker Brothers introduce to the market in 1970 that began life as an indoor volleyball game? Nerf Ball
What two-player game originated in northern Europe in the 1300's as a game with asymmetrical forces on a cross-shaped board, one side having a single piece and the other side having 13? Fox and Geese
What two-player peg game with 58 holes on the board is of Egyptian origin? Hounds and Jackals, also known as Palm Tree Game, Game of 58 Holes, or Shield Game
What Victorian era game is the forerunner to both Keno and Bingo? Lotto
What Victorian parlor game centers on reclaiming lost objects with the quote, "I have a thing and a very pretty thing, who is the owner of this very pretty thing? Forfeit
What video game inspired by polyominoes was a pack-in title for the original Gameboy? Tetris
What war game patented in 1888 by Lewis Waterman is based on the earlier The Game of Annexation and is categorized as part of the draughts sub-type but has double-sided pieces with black on one side and white on the other? Reversi
What was the name of George Parker's first game, made in 1883? Banking
What was the name of the Parker Brother's line of jigsaw puzzles? Pastime Puzzles
What was the original name of Bejeweled? Diamond Mine
What was the original name of PopCap Games? Sexy Action Cool, LLC
What was the original name of the man that appears as the primary mascot of Monopoly? Rich Uncle Pennybags
What are the two main reasons that animals play? Learning Survival Skills, Practice & Mastery
Games are cultural artifacts. True or False? TRUE
What are the three primary elements of the game analysis model used for this class? Modes, Goals, Dynamics (MGD)
What secondary element of the game analysis model constrains the behavior of the game? Rules
What secondary element of the game analysis model classifies the player’s takeaway from the experience? Engagements
Name at least three modes of design. Mechanics, Components, Spaces, (Narrative, Visual, Audio, Haptic)
Identify the three types of goals that a game may have within the analysis model. Explicit, Implicit, Emergent
Name the three levels of player experiences that can be analyzed within the analysis model. Macro Dynamics, Micro Dynamics, Meta Dynamics
Name at least five of the ten types of player engagement. challenge, accomplishment, fellowship, competition, discovery/exploration, fantasy (includes destruction), drama, expression, creation, sensation
Given two independent random events, one event where outcome A is a possibility and another where outcome B is a possibility, what is the name of the rule you would use to determine the probability of both A and B occurring? Multiplication Rule
What is the name of the rule you would use to determine the probability of outcome A or B occurring from a single random event? Addition Rule
What was the name of the professor of Arabic at the University of Oxford who wrote two books in Latin about games – De Historia Shahiludii (1689) and De Historia Herdiludii (1694)? Thomas Hyde
Created by: JohannesMP
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