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Psychology Philosophers

First to give behaviorism its name John B. Watson
First to study behavior systematically and methodically rather than philosophically William Wundt
Believed that hidden sexual and aggressive urges are responsible for motivating behavior Sigmund Freud
First to train behavior through assocation Ivan Pavlov
Believed that any client should be met with expectations for responsible choices and personal growth Carl Rogers
His experiments with someone else's child would be unethical and probably illegal today John B. Watson
Won the Nobel Prize for his experiments on the digestive system Ivan Pavlov
Made behaviorism accessible to the public B.F. Skinner
Believed that a person's capability of thinking and remembering develops in stages during childhood Jean Piaget
Returned focus to using psychology to raise individuals to the highest levels of integrity, virtue, tolerance, etc. Martin Seligman
The words reward and punishment are associated with this psychologist B.F. Skinner
Believed that the individual looked inside himself for answers (introspection) William Wundt
Free association and dream analysis are his contributions Sigmund Freud
First to introduce the idea of client-centered therapy Carl Rogers
Believed that it is only when we exercise our decision-making ability that we truly develop our own values Carl Rogers
Before behavior was studied scientifically, how was it explained? Philosophically
Father of psychology, first to believe that behavior needed to be studied scientifically William Wundt
Created by: emilyzona
Popular Psychology sets




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