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Psy 374 Test #3

Standarized Test, Intelligence and IQ and standarized Scores

What are the types of standarized test? Aptitiude Test, Achievement Test, Norm Referenced test, and Criterion-Referenced test
What kind of test are designed to assess general abilities and predict future performance Aptitude Test
What test assess what has been learned Achievement test
What test compares individual performance to group norms Norm-Referenced test
average or typical group scores obtained from a specific sample in test development norms
what test measures the extent to which a student has mastered a specific set of learning objectives and is compared to a standard criterion of mastery not a norm group Criterion-Referenced Test
acting an thinking in ways that are goal-directed and adaptive intelligence
derivied scores that are based on their position on the normal curve standard scores
consistency or accuracy of test scores by same person at different times with different sets of equivalent items or across test items test reliability
What scores are expressed as high, moderate, and low for reliability High-.90 Moderate-.60 Low- .30
What are the three major types of reliability Test-retest reliabilty, alternate form reliability, and internal consistency reliabilty
What reliabilty test is readministered at a later date and the correlation is observed test-retest reliability
What reliabililty has different forms of test and the correlation is observed alternate form reliability
What reliability looks at items individually on an exam and the correlation is observed internal consistency reliability
degree to which a test measures or accomplishes what it was supposed to measure or accomplish test validity
What are the three major types of validity content validity, construct validity, and criterion-related validity
What validity test adequately samples the construct of interest content validity
What validity is the big picture validity and is made up of numerous qualities and is hypothetical and nontangible construct validity
What are the two types of criterion-related validity predictive and concurrent
What type of criterion-related validity is the extent to which test predicts future performance on other related test predictive
What type of criterion-related validity is the extent to which scores on one test match up with scores on another test that measure the same thing Concurrent
What are the types of classroom assessment informal assessment, formal assessment, traditional assessment, authentic assessment, and performance based assessment
What type of assessment is spontaneous and the reliability and validity likely to an issue informal assessment
What type of assessment is planned and structured Formal assessment
What type of assessment measures basic skills and concepts and may be lacking in external validity traditional assessment
What type of assessment is an assessmant of knowledge and skills in context and may be stronger in terms of external validity authentic assessment
What type of assessment is a type of authentic assessment and requires the learner to create an answer ot product that demonstrates their knowledge or skill performance based assessment
What are two types of evaluation formative and summative
What type of evaluation is conducted before or during instruction and allows for modification to instruction formative evaluation
What type of instruction is conducted after instruction summative evaluation
Created by: w504612
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