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Psychology Final

Psychology 5

Motivation Need or desire that energizes behavior and directs it towards a goal.
Instinct A fixed pattern of behavior that is not acquired by learning and is likely to be rooted in genes.
Homeostasis (equilibrium) We want to be balanced.
Drive reduction Theory The idea that humans are motivated to reduce these drives.
Intrinsic Doing something because it makes you feel good.
Extrinsic Motivated to help others.
Primary needs Biological
Secondary needs Psychological
Hypothalamus Gives direction to all glands.
Setpoint The weight your body wants to be at.
Social facilitation Presence of others accentuates out typical eating habits.
Buffet effect We eat more if more option are available.
Carbohydrates Raises serotonin, reduces stress, and depression.
Anarexia nerviosa Losing weight because of thought of being overweight.
Bulimia nerviosa Binging and purging to lose weight. Usually the person is just right.
Excitement Enjoys sexual pleasure and physiological changes along.
Plateau Phrase in which sexual tension builds.
Orgasm(Climax) Involuntary rythems contrations in the muscles of genitals in both man and women.
Relaxion When people report relax ion and a sense of well being.
Premature Ejaculation Erectile Dysfunction Low sexual desire and lack of orgasm response.
Sexual Orientation Ones preference's as a object of sexual attraction.
Id Striving to meet basic needs
Ego Has thoughts, judgements, and memories.
Superego Conscience internalized from parents and society.
Slip of a tongue Say something on accident which means you really means your conscience.
Sigmund Freud Had people speak their mind. Gave hints whats in the subconsience. Would listen to dreams and figure out what it means.
Erogenous Zones Sensitive area of the body and is focus by id.
Oral Stage Focus on the mouth. Birth to 12-18months.
Anal Stage Focus on the genitals
Oedipus Boys love their mother in a romantic way. See the father as rival.
Latency Stage Dormant sexual stage. 8 to 12years.
Genital Stage Reowned sexual impulse. Mature and more romantic. !2 years old.
Reaction Formation Have desires but fights against it. Compensates.
Projection You are angry so you think everyone else is angry. Distract.
What are flaws in Freud's scientific method? Unfalsifability, Unrepresentive, and Biased observation.
Unfalsifability Difficult to prove or disapprove.
Unrepresentiative Sampling base on wealth neurotic women in vienna.
Biased observations Based his theories on patients and told them how sick they were to look better.
How did Freud benefit psychology? Impact childhood and Adulthood. Human sexuality, defenses, anxiety, and tension.
Self-actualization Becoming the best person you can be.
Ideal self The person you think you should be.
Abraham Maslow Research people who were self-actualized.
Carl Rodgers See why people are not self-actualized.
Three condition that facilitate self-actualization Being honest and direct not using facade.Unconditional positive regard. Acknowledge feelings without passing judgment. Honoring, not devaluing.
Empathy Turning feelings into others. Showing efforts to understand. Listen well.
Emotion ABC A-arousal, B-behavior, C-cognitive
Arousal Physiological, Fight or flight.
Behavior How you are behaving.
Cognitive Consciousness awareness of emotion.
Theories of emotion James-Lange theory,cannon bard, Two face theory.
James Lange Theory Body (arousal) then conconsiouness awarness of the emotion. Facial feedback,
The facial feedback The Emotion follows the face.
Cannon bard Body and conscious awareness happen at the same time.
Two factor theory Body plus awareness (interpretation explanation) the emotion.
Mere Exposure The mirror image of yourself that we see in the mirror everyday. Like familiarity.
long term happiness NO Money, West Coast Living, Circumstances.
Long term happiness YES Marriage, Friendship, giving, college, religion, exercise, gratitude, attitude.
Sexual Response Cycle 1. Excitement 2. Plateau 3. Climax 4. Resolution 5. Refactory
Excitement Physiological changes sexual tension builds.
Plateau Maximal muscle contraction. Release.
Resolution Relaxing, feel good, lots of dopamine.
Refractory No orgasm, men only.
Intrinsic Doing something to feel good.
Extrinsic Doing something to get something out of it.
Drive Reduction Theory Want homeostasis (balance) food and water.
Arousal optimumation We get bored so we seek stimulation.
Hierarchy of motivation We only meet the goals if we met the ones below.
Instinct/evolution Something we know to do. It is innate.
Trait A way that you are that follows with you.
Sensation seeker Someone who does daring things and seek excitement.
MMpI-2 Test design for someone with psychological problems.
NEP-PI-R Try to write items that measure neuroticism.
Rorschach test (ink block test) Describing paintings of ink that can be anything.
Thematic aperception test Tell a story of a picture.
Graphology Looking at handwriting to see personalty.
P.T Barnum Effect Statement refers to everyone.
Social psychology How a situation effects everyone around us.
Spotlight effect People assume people are looking at you but they are not.
Explicit self-esteem Peoples conscious feelings of value and worth.
Implicit Self-esteem An uncoscious preferences for people, places and things that resemble ourselves.
Attribution A conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior.
Situational attribution Something outside the person (peer pressure) cause the behavior.
Dispositional Attribution Something inside the person (like personalty or abilities) causes the behavior.
Fundamental Attribution Overestimating the impact of disposition on other peoples behavior.
Attitude Belief plus emotional attachment.
Cognitive dissonasse One thing you believe and another you did which don't match.
Self-perception theory We acquire our attitude by observing our behavior.
Impression management theory People do not really change their attitudes but say they do so their behaviors appear consistent with their attitude.
Persuasion We are persuaded by emotion.
The sleeper effect We forget where we hear something over time.
Central Going directly through the rational mind persuading with evidence and logic.
Peripheral Going around the rational mind and appealing to fears, desires and association.
Created by: baileythegr8
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