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Pharm 01

2nd set

Butyrophenones haloperidol and droperidol
haloperidol tourettes syndrome, huntingtons syndrome, for phencyclidine overdose
diabenzoxazepines loxapine
thioxanthines thiothixene
Tardive Dyskinesia due to prolonged therapy with antipsychotics. there's Rhythmic Movement of tongue, lips, jaw
Atypical antipsychotic drugs are Clozapine, Risperidone, Olanzapine. They block dopamine and serotonin receptors
clozapine treat negative signs of schizophrenia
risperidone treat positive / negative signs of schizophrenia
olanzapine treat anti cholinergic effect, sedation.
traditional antipsychotics toxic states CNS sedation, Endocrine alteration, anticholinergic effects
antipsychotic malignant syndrome Patients who are given antipsychotics for long term treatment may go through altered mental status, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias.
Opioid Antagonist used to relieve intense Pain
Opioid antagonist types Mu, Kappa, Delta, Sigma
Mu seen at supraspinal areas of pain modulation
kappa seen at dorsal horn of spinal grey matter
delta seen at substantia nigra, corpus striatum
sigma seen at hippocampus
strong agonist morphine, fentanyl, heroine, meperidine, methadone, sufentanil
antagonist naloxone, naltrexone
mixed agonist / antagonist buprenorphine, pentazocine
moderate agonist codeine, propoxyphene
Morphine its action are on Mu, Kappa, Sigma Receptors. Its an analgesia. it causes euphoria. it causes respiration depression. there is Miosis Pinpoint pupil. in GIT, there's decrease in motility. in CVS, there's high dose of hypotension
Morphine Cerebral vessel dilate causing brain injury. Histamine release cause bronchoconstriction, Urticaria, sweating and vasodilation. there's increase in prolactin, GH and ADH
Morphine is used to relieve pain in myocardial infarction, pain after surgery, pain seen with trauma. used for epidural anesthesia. to suppress cough. to treat dyspnea. to treat diarrhea.
Contraindications of Morphine Acute respiratory depression, acute pancreatitis, renal failure, chemical toxicity, raised intracranial pressure
Drug interaction of Morphine MAO inhibitors, TCA's, Antipsychotics
Fentanyl its 100 times more powerful than Morphine. it works on Mu, Kappa, and Sigma receptors
Heroine its 2-3 times more powerful than Morphine, it causes Euphoria, its very addictive
Meperidine it works on Kappa Receptors, Route 4 can cause increase in heart rate, Pupil dilates, used for LABOR analgesia, It can replace morphine/Heroine in addicts, its found in Liver
Methadone it works on MU receptors, it has longer duration of action, its found in the liver. its used for withdrawal process for addicts of Heroine and Morphine.
Naloxone Opioid Antagonist, they reverse respiratory depression, it works against Propoxyphene effects.
Naltrexone has longer effect than Naloxone, used in Opiate dependance Maintenance Program
Buprenorphine Agonist on Mu, used on Morphine withdrawal patients
Pentazocine Agonist on Kappa, Antagonist on Mu and Delta receptor
Codeine Good cough suppressant, high sedation rate, high addiction rate
Propoxyphene Gotten from Methadone, pain is MILD - MODERATE. to increase analgesia its used with ASPIRIN or ACETAMINOPHEN. its also used for cough
Created by: slinger101
Popular Pharmacology sets




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