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Psychology midterm

Psychology 5

Critical Thinking Require evidence before you know its true
Skeptic Believe anything that is proven true.
Structulism Identify basic elements. Studied by Edward Bradford Ticher.
Functalism Understanding the functions of adaptive purpose of our thoughts, feelings and behavior. Studied by William James
Behaviorism To uncover the general principals of learning that explains all behavior. Studied by B.F Skinner
Cognitivism To examine the role of mental process on behavior. Studied by Piaget and Ulric Neisser.
Psychoanalysis To uncover the role of unconscious, psychological processes and early life experiences in behavior. Studied by Sigmund Freud.
Clinical psychology Trained in diagnosing people.
Counseling psychology Works with people because of traumatic event. Can not diagnosis.
Developmental Psychology Interest how behavior changes over life span.
Experimental Psychology Use experiments to research memory, Language, thinking, and social behaviors.
Nature vs Nurture Nature is in our genes. Nurture is environment growing up.
Freewill vs determination Freewill is we do things on our own. Determination is caused by factor not by our control
Correlational design Research design that examines the exent to which two variables are associated.
Variable Anything that can vary.
Negative correlation As the value of one variable changes.
Random Assignment Having equal group and should be different people.
Manipulation of Independent variable What we are changing between the two groups.
Correlational experiments Can show what works.
Statistics Application of mathematics to describing and analyzing data.
Descriptive Statistics Central tendency. Variability - How different scores are from each other.
Variability measure How loosely or tightly bunch scores are.
Standard deviation Take info account how for each data point is from the mean.
Range The difference between the highest and the lowest score.
Biological Psychology A.K.A Neuroscentist Researchers who study the relationship between the nervous system and behavior.
Axons Sends messages through terminal branches to other neurons, muscle, or gland.
Dendrites Picks up axon pulse and sends it to the cell body.
Gilial cells Response to injury. Formation of myelin and the blood brain barrier. Removes debris. Enhances learning and memory.
Glutamate Speed things up.
Gaba Slow things down. Decreases anxiety.
Seratone Regulates mood, good mood.
Dopamine Motor function and reward.
Endorphins Reducing pain and promotes pleasure.
Occipital Vision
Parietal Touch or perception
Temporal Hearing, behind ears
Frontal Memory, high order thinking
pineal Gland Release and puts you to sleep ar night.
Selective Attention Your conscious focusing on one thing.
Selective inattentin Not noticing heats happening while focusing on something else.
Cocktail party Focusing on your conversion while others are going on around.
Inattention Blindness Our attention is focus, we miss seeing what others may think is obvious to see.
NREM-1 Experience fantastic images known as hallucinations. Might feel it.
NREM-2 Last 20min. Can sill be awake. Now asleep.
NREM-3 Lat 30min. Hard to be awaken.
REM Vivid dreaming happens. Increases as we sleep longer.
Manifest Content The Symbol of the dream
Latent Content What the dream really means.
Drugs Alter our consciousness, Builds tolerance and you expect more from the effect
Withdraw Stopping and your body is not use to it making it painful.
Abusing drugs Having a negative consequences and do not think have to have.
Dependence After abusing. Try to stop but can't. Fail to regulate using. Keeps using it even if your life falls apart.
Physical dependence Your body needs it and has to adjust.
Psychological dependence You feel like you need to loose you up.
Depressants Slows things down and depress things. Look like you are faster but loses your ambition.
Alcohol Behavior patterns vary. Takes longer to react.. Disrupt REM sleep and learning. Causes you to do things you don't usually do. Become aggressive. You can drink til you are hospitalized.
opiates Slow down neuro activity and reduces anxiety. Makes you feel really good. The worse withdraw especially with heroine.
Stimults breath faster and makes your heart beat faster.
Caffeine Gives energy. Takes away 3-4hours of sleep. Causes inability of concentration, headaches, depression, and fatigue.
Nicotine Releases dopamine, energy, and painkilling. Stopping is hard and can cause insomnia, anxiety, distractibility and inability.
Cocaine Most powerful stimuli. Blocks dopamine, serotoin, and norepinephrine. Causes euphoria and is very short. Only 45mins. Hard when withdrawing.
Mrthamphetamine Worse drug to do. Eight hours of euphoria and energy. Releases dopamine and causes depression Causes seizures, violence hypertension, and sucide. Can become consuming and never feel good again.
Ecstasy.MDMA Increase dopamine and serotine. Causes euphoria, hallucinations, and social connection. Slows thinking and impair memory.
LSD Interferes with seotin. Can cause hallucinations and sensation. Does not come through senses.
Marijuana SAme as alcohol but people don't become aggressive. Can't sense that you are full. Most illegal drug used in America.
Sensation Picking up information from the environment.
Perception The brains interpertation of the info going into our sense. Knowing what it is.
Transduction Turning the info into neuron impulse.
Reception Receiving the information.
Transmission Taking the information into our brains.
Absolute Thereshold The low level of stimulus intensity.
Subliminal Anything under threshold .
Top down Your brain knows what it is. Seeing things when given clues.
Bottom up Taking the information and then put into a place.
Perceptional set What we expect to see that influences what we do see.
Trichromatic theory We have three primary colors that are blue, green, red. People who are color blind are believed to be missing those cones.
Opponent process theory We see the colors pairs after we see the other color.
Linear perspective Seem further away because they are in the distance and they converge.
Unconditional stimulus A stimulus that unconditionally-naturally and automatically triggers a response.
Unconditioned Response A unlearned, naturally occurring response to an unconditioned stimulus.
condition stimulus an originally irrelevant stimulus that. after association with unconditioning stimulus come to trigger a conditioned response.
Condition response A learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus.
Acquisition Requiring the learning.
Extinction Unlearning
Punishment Outcome or consquense of a behavior that weakens the probability of the behavior.
Reinforcement Outcome or consequences of a behavior that strengthens the probability of the behavior.
Operant Conditioning Changing behavior because of consequences.
Classical Conditioning One thing happens we expect another will happen.
Cognitive Conditioning Learning through observation.
Positive Reinforcement You present something that makes you do it again.
Negative Reinforcement Taking something away to increase a behavior.
Positive Punishment You ADD something unpleasant/aversive.
Negative Punishment You take away something pleasant/desired.
Continuous Reinforcement Giving a reward every single time. Quicker to learn.
Partial/intermittent Reinforcement The reward takes longer to be acquired. Longer ro learn
Ratio The certain number of instance until reward.
Interval Base on how much times has gone by.
Fixed Ratio The number is fixed
Variable Ratio Not always going to be the same number. There will be a average.
Fixed interval The amount of time pass before it happens. Then gets reinforce.
Variable Interval A period of time has to pass but your not sure what it is.
Mirror Neurons Cause you to feel empathy.
Encoding The information goes into the brain.
Storage Where we store it.
Retrieval Take memory out.
Short term memory (Working Memory) Solve problems in math. Have to keep rehearsing.
Echoic Autotory and is 3 To 5 secs.
Iconic Visional/ 20th of a sec. Type of sensory.
Chunking Putting words together to take up less space.
Mass Practice Cramming
Distributed (Spacing effect) You do the same amount of study each night.
Long term memory Infinite. Can always squeeze more.
Flash bulb memory Emotionally intense event is burned into our memory.
Recall Bringing up information yourself. Filling in a blank on a test.
Recognition Recognizing what the right answer is. Multiple choice test.
Relearning Learning again quickly because done in past.
Priming The concept of what you are doing comes up when you are doing it.
Tip of the tongue (Retrieval Failure) Feel like you remember, but just can not get it.
Interference proactive Old information is interfering with new information
Retroactive The new information interfering with the old.
Misinformation effect Information misleading by use of word. Memory altered.
Implant Memory You being told something that can not be remembered because it did not happen.
infantile amnesia effect You do not remember anything before 3 years old.
Trichromatic theory colors Red, Green, Blue
Opponent process theory colors Black:White, Red:Green, Blue:Yellow
Positive Correlational 3 causes is A-B, IC-Murders or B-A Murder-Ic
Experimental 1. 2 groups, control group experimental. 2. Random assignment into 2 groups. Equal groups. 3. Cause and effect.
Independent Variable What you are changing.
Dependendent Depends on the level of independent Variable.
Negative correlation Smoke more health goes down.
Drinking coffee makes me have to pee. Soon, even the smell of coffee makes me have to pee. Neutral stimulus:Should not cause pee. Unconditional Stimulus:Drinking coffee. Unconditional Response:Pee Conditional Stimulus:Smelling Coffee, Conditional Response:Pee
Created by: baileythegr8
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