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final exam review 1
Term | Definition |
atlas | a book of maps |
elevation | height above sea level |
geography | study of earth, land, people |
artic circle | latitude line 66 1/2 degrees north |
antartic circle | latitude line 66 1/2 degrees south |
longitude | meridians that run north/south on a map/globe |
themetic map | map that shows specific info like climate or population |
scale bar | measures distance on a map |
cardinal dirctions | north/south/east/west |
map scale | the relationship between the distance between two places in real life/map |
hemispere | a half of the earth |
equator | the main line of latitude |
circle graph | pie-shaped graph |
globe | a ball shaped model earth |
population | average number of people per sqare mile |
bar graph | a graph that compares in formation |
grid system | latitude/longitude line cross |
climograph | shows climate of weather patterns in a specif place |
pictograph | compareison of sybols/pictures |
relative location | how far and in what direction one place is to another |
chart | a graphice way of presenting info organized |
political map | a map nshowing people -made boundaries |
physicla map | shows elevation |
map key | a guide that shows what colors/symbols mean on a map |
climate | average weather pattern of an area |
absolute value | the exact position of a place on earth |
compase rose | small sybol that shows directions on a map |
latitude | parallel lines that run east to west on a map or globe |
bay | a large body of water that extends into the shoeline |
channel | wide strait or waterway between two landmasses that lie close too each other |
climate | usual predictable pattern of weather over a long period of time |
current | moving streamsof water that enstends inland larger than a BAY |
droght | long period of extreme dryness and water shorteage |
elevation | height asbove sea level |
landform | indiviual features |
gulf | large body of water that exstends inland |
hurricane | violent tropical strom with high winds and heavy rainfall |
island | land compeletlysourounded by water |
lake | a sizeable inland body of water |
hiagh land climate | cool or cold clmate that vareies with elevations |
tropical climate | warm year round extends from the equator to tropic of cancer and from the equator to the trpic of capricorn |
prevailing wind | movements of air that travel around the earth |
el nino | cause by the combitination of tempature wind and water |
la nina | eastern winds become strong and the oppistite of el nino occors-pacif ocean gets cooler |
dry climate | dry to partly dry areas with little to rain |
typhoon | name for a hurricane in asia |
tornado | funnel shaped wind storm |
tropics | low latitude region between the tropic of cancer/capricorn |
mountain | land with steepSIDES THAT RISE SHARPLY |
MOUNTAIN RANGE | a series of connected mountains |
monsoon | seasoonal wind that blows over a continent for a log period of time |
weather | unpredictable changes in the air that take place in a short period of time |
plain | area of low elevation covered in grass |
plateau | flat or rolling land at high elevation |
river | large natrual stream of water that runs through land |
sea | |
straight | |
ocean | |
volcano | |
valley |