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Psych Final

Psychology The scientific study of thought and behavior
Central Nervous System The part of the nervous system that comprises the brain and the spinal cord
Functional MRI Brain imaging technique that uses magnetic fields to produce detailed images of activity in areas of the brain and other soft tissues
Identical twins Twins that develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two independent cells
Fraternal twins Twins that develop from two different eggs fertilized by two different sperm
Neurons The cells that process and transmit information swag in the nervous system
Neurotransmitters Chemicals that transmit information between neurons
Somatic Nervous System Nerve cells of the peripheral nervous system that transmit sensory info to the central nervous system and those that transmit info from the CNS to the skeletal muscles
Autonomic Nervous System All the nerves of the peripheral nervous system that serve involuntary systems of the body, such as the internal organs and glands
Peripheral nervous system The part of the nervous system that comprises all the nerve cells in the body outside the central nervous system
MRI Brain imaging technique that uses magnetic fields to produce detailed images of the structure of the brains and other soft tissues
EEG A method for measuring brain activity in which the electrical activity of the brain is recorded from electrodes placed on a person's scalp
Sympathetic Nervous System Part of the autonomic nervous system that activates bodily systems in time of emergency (ex: increase heart rate, dilate pupils)
Implicit memory Kind if memory made up of knowledge based on previous experiences, such as skills that we perform automatically once we have mastered them; resides outside conscious awareness
Explicit memory Knowledge that consists of the conscious recall of facts and events
Classical conditioning Form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a stimulus to which one has an automatic response
Operant conditioning The process of changing behavior by manipulating the consequences of that behavior
Social learning theory A description of the kind of learning that occurs when we model or imitate the behavior of others
Latent learning Learning that occurs in the absence of reinforcement and is not demonstrated until later, when reinforcement occurs
Extinction The weakening and disappearance of a conditioned response in the absence of reinforcement
Generalization Extension of the association between unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus to include a broad array of similar stimuli
Modeling The imitation of behaviors performed by others
Primary reinforcers Innate, unlearned reinforcers that satisfy biological needs (such as food, water, or SEX.)
Secondary reinforcers Learned by association, usually via classical conditioning (such as money, grades, and peer approval)
Intelligence A set of cognitive skills that include abstract thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and the ability to acquire knowledge
Mental age The equivalent chronological age a child has reached based on his/her performance on an IQ test
G-Factor theory Spearman's theory that intelligence is a single general (g) factor made up of specific components
Multiple-factor theory of intelligence Idea that intelligence consists of distinct dimensions and is not just single factor
Validity The degree to which a test accurately measures, such as intelligence, and not something else, and the degree to when it predicts real-world outcomes
Reliability Consistency if a measurement, I such as an intelligence test
Id The seat of impulse and desire; the part of our personality that we do not yet own; it owns or controls us- sole function is to seek pleasure
Ego A sense of self; the only part of the mind that is in direct contact with the outside world; makes a realistic attempt to obtain pleasure
Superego The part of self that monitors/controls behavior; stands over us and evaluates actions in terms of right and wrong; our conscious
Personality The unique and relatively enduring set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motives that characterize an individual
Bipolar disorder Mood disorder characterized by substantial mood fluctuations, cycling between very low (depressive) and very high (manic) moods
Dissociative disorders Psychological disorders characterized by extreme splits or gaps in memory, identity, or consciousness
Somatoform disorders Psychological disorders that take bodily or physical form and mimic physical diseases, but haver no known physical cause or medical basis
Schizophrenia Psychotic disorder characterized by significant disturbances in thought and emotion, specifically problems with perception, including hallucinations
Personality disorders Patterns of cognition, emotion, and behavior that develop in late childhood or adolescence and are maladaptive and inflexible; they are more consistent than clinical disorders
PTSD A type of anxiety disorder triggered by exposure to a catastrophic or horrific event that poses serious harm or threat
Behavior therapies Therapies that apply the principles of classical and operant conditioning in the treatment of psychological disorders
Cognitive-behavioral therapy An approach to treating psychological disorders that combines techniques for restructuring irrational thoughts with operand and classical conditioning techniques to shape desirable behaviors
Cognitive therapy Any type of psychotherapy that works to restructure irrational thought patterns
Group therapy Therapeutic setting in which several people who share a common problem all meet regularly with a therapist to help themselves and one another
Electroconvulsive therapy Treatment of last resort for severe depression that involves passing an electrical current through a person's brain in order to induce a seizure
Psychodynamic therapy Therapy aimed at uncovering unconscious motives that underlie psychological problems
Psychoanalytic therapy Based on Freud's ideas, therapeutic approach oriented towards major personality change with a focus on uncovering unconscious motives, especially through dream interpretation
Psychotherapy The use of psychological techniques to modify maladaptive behaviors or thought patterns or both, and to help patients develop insight into their own behavior
Postconventional level Stage 3/3 of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning in which the person recognizes universal moral rules that trump unjust or immoral local rules
Preconventional level Stage 1/3 of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning in which a person focuses on avoiding punishment or maximizing reward
Conventional level Stage 2/3 of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning in which a person values caring, trust, and relationships, as well as the social order and lawfulness
Parasympathetic nervous system Part of the autonomic nervous system that relaxes and calms the body
Egocentrism Viewing the world from one's own perspective and not being capable of seeing things from another person's perspective
Conservation Recognition that when some properties (such as shape) of an object change, other properties (such as volume) remain constant
Formal operational stage Piaget's 4th and final stage of cognitive development, from age 12-adulthood, when formal logic is possible
Object permanence The ability to realize that objects still exist when they are not being sensed (4-9 months)
Concrete operational stage Piaget's 3rd stage of cognitive development, ages 6-11, during which the child can perform mental operations such as reversing real objects or events
Preoperational stage Piaget's 2nd stage of cognitive development, which begins with the emergence of symbolic thought (2-5 years)
Sensoriomotor stage Piaget's 1st stage of cognitive development when infants learn about the world by using their senses and by moving their bodies (0-2 years)
Attention The limited capacity to process information that is under conscious control
Awareness Monitoring of information from the environment and one's own thoughts
Consciousness The awareness of one's surroundings and of what is in one's mind at the given moment
Hypnosis State characterized by focused attention, suggestibility, absorption, lack of voluntary control over behavior, and suspension of critical facilities
Meditation Practice that people use to calm the mind, stabilize concentration, focus attention, and enhance awareness of the present movement
REM Quick movements of the eye that occur during sleep, thought to mark phases of dreaming
Dreams Images, thoughts, and feelings experienced during sleep
Amnesia Memory loss due to brain injury or disease
Forgetting The weakening or loss of memories over time
Sensory memory The part of memory that holds info in its original sensory form for a very brief period of time, usually 1/2 second or less
Short-term memory The part of memory that temporarily (2-30 seconds) stores a limited amount of information before it is either transferred to long-term storage or forgotten
Long-term memory The part of memory that has the capacity to store a vast amount of information for as little as 30 seconds and as long as a lifetime
Memory The ability to store/use information and the store of what has been learned/remembered
Created by: Minkswag
Popular Psychology sets




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