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Chapter 3 - Behavioral Psychology

Classical Conditioning Association of two unrelated stimuli
Ivan Pavlov - Dogs & bells John Watson - Little Albert NS- rat (neutral response) UCS - Gong, the loud noise UCR - crying (natural response) CS - rat after being paired with gong CR - Crying in presences of rat/anything white (unnatural)
Forward short-delay conditioning The netural stimulus appears, pause, then the unconditioned stimuli appears (Simultaneous, Backwards, long-delay)
Garcia Effect Forward Long-delay conditioning We are wired to associate feeling sick with whatever we last ate so we can avoid it next time.
Taste Aversion Learning to avoid a food that makes you sick taste - feel sick - association
Counter Conditioning To change the association by pairing it with a different
Systematic Desensitization Slowly erase association by exposing the subject to the stimulus in increasing levels of intensity
Flooding To erase association through exhausting
Phobia Irrational fears so intense that they trigger a panic attack
Operant Conditioning Learning to behave in a certain way based on positive and negative consequenes
Thorndike's Law of EffectS Cats in a puzzle box Random trial-and-error behaviors that have satisfactory effects will be linked to the situation, with each positive experience, are more likely to occur.
Skinner/Skinner Box Environment determines all behavior (reward/punishment) actions reinforced with positive consequence more likely to occur more and more
Positive Reinforcement (+R) Presenting a desired stimulus after a desired behavior has occurred (10 min tv for every 30 min studying)
Negative Reinforcement (-R) Removing an aversive stimulus after a desired behavior has occured (no nagging once room is cleaned)
Positive Punishment (+P) Presenting an aversive stimulus after an undesired behavior has occurred (hit for cursing)
Negative Punishment (-P) Removing a desired stimulus after an undesired behavior has occurred (take away favorite toy for not respecting curfew)
Shaping The process of teaching a desired behavior by reinforcing successive approximations to that behavior.
Superstitious Behavior When the subject associates the wrong behavior with a consequence - acts as though the behavior has a meaningful consequence
Extinction Behavior reappears after a time in spontaneous recovery
Extinction Burst Period after extinction where the subject will try a variety of behaviors to make the reinforces come back - teach new tricks!
Learned Helplessness Learned sense of helplessness when unable to avoid negative consequences
Created by: ybekele
Popular Psychology sets




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