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Psych names all

Argyle People who are rewarding are most liked. Reward-need satisfaction (operant conditioning)
Veitch and Griffitt People who come with good news are seen as more attractive. Reward-need satisfaction(classical conditioning)
Byrne and Clore Created reward-need satisfaction theory
Festinger Familiarity makes you like people more. In universities, those who had closer rooms were rated as more attractive and those at the end of hallways near the stairs were rated as the most attractive (have to walk past everyday)
Moreland and Beach Familiarity makes you like people more. Confederates that attended lectures were rated as more attractive if they had appeared more times
Duck (and Rollie) Intrapsychic, Dyadic, Social, Grave-dressing, Resurrection (I don't serve green radishes)
Tashiro and Frazier After a break up, there is room for emotional growth. Supports grave-dressing and resurrection stage in Duck's model
Kassin Gender differences in dissolution of relationships. Women want to stay friends, men want a clean break. Women blame incompatibility, men blame a lack of sex
Akert The person who initiates the break up suffers less than their partner
Lee Created a model for dissolution of relationships. It has an extra opportunity for reconciliation.
Andersson Cut off the tails of widow birds and replaced them with fake tails (long or short). The long-tailed were selected for mating by more females. Handicap theory
Buss (human reproductive behaviour) Females wanted men with better financial prospects, men wanted women with childbearing hips and who were young
Langlois et al Meta-analysis of 919 studies found that most people in the same culture were in agreement as to what was attractive. There was some agreement between different cultures as well
Waynforth & Dunbar Lonely hearts columns show women look for wealthy men but men look for attractive and young women
Clark & Hatfield 75% of men agreed to have sex after just meeting another person, none of the women agreed
Greiling & Buss Short term mating can be advantageous to females as well (more genetically diverse offspring, exit poor-quality relationships)
Wardle et al Young adults in 21 European countries, significant differences in diets between countries
Leshem Compared urban Bedouin Arab, desert Bedouin Arab and Jewish women. Both Bedouin groups had similar diets, despite different availability of foods
Ogden People eat more in celebration or to raise mood
Baucom & Aiken Found non-dieters ate less when depressed. Change in appetite is more important than eating more
Corsica & Spring Double blind placebo trial of 21 overweight women found more carbs eaten when stressed
Contento There is a relationship between mother’s health motivation and children’s diets
Westcombe & Wardle Three yogurts of equal fat content were labelled as high, medium and low in fat. People who were more worried about their health were more likely to dislike the low fat but still more likely to buy it
Food Standards Agency Children are aware of how to be healthy and see it as important, but there are still worrying levels of obesity
Holland Twin study. 56% concordance rate for anorexia nervosa MZ twins, 7% for DZ
Wade Need for order and praise (two key characteristics often found in AN) are found to run in families
Bachner-Melman Three genes implicated in AN are also associated with perfectionist personality
Guisinger Adapted to flee famine hypothesis. When you lose 15% of body weight, body assumes you are in famine and turns off hunger and starts hyperactivity to help you move to better pastures
Sherry et al Animals show signs of food restriction when forced to migrate
Cogan ATFFH is impossible to falsify because you are looking at an undocumented past and drawing conclusions to the present
Surbey Reproduction suppression prevents childbirth in potentially fatal conditions
Hazen & Shaver Love quiz
Bowlby Internal working model and continuity hypothesis
Minnesota Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children Relationship with parents strongly predicts the stability and quality of later relationships. Boundary dissolution (children as care-givers) results in difficulty with physical intimacy and psychopathy
Nangle et al Childhood friendships act as training for later adult relationships
Richard & Scheider Girls have more intimate friendships than boys
Qualter & Munn Children develop a sense of their value through interactions with others and this changes how they approach adult relationships
Moghaddam Western relationships are voluntary, individualistic and temporary
Jankowiak & Fischer 165 out of 166 tribes had a concept of love
Hsu Americans ask ‘How does my heart feel?’, Chinese ask ‘What will other people say?’
Gupta & Singh Love increases over 5 years in arranged marriages, decreases in love matches
Xiahoe & Whyte Women are happier when they have freedom of choice
De Munck In Sri Lanka, arranged marriages are really love matches organised by parents
Desor Even newborn babies seek out sweet tastes
Meiselman Preference for sweet foods exists across cultures, countries and ages
Nesse & Williams The bitter foods that children reject (broccoli and brussel sprouts) can be harmful to young children
Garcia et al Contaminated lamb’s meat fed to wolves
Levinger Explains abusive relationships as the result of three things: benefits (e.g. money), barriers (e.g. children), lack of attractive alternatives
Rusbult Questionnaires on college students found that high satisfaction and investment lead to more commitment to the relationship
Le & Agnew Meta analysis found highest correlation was between satisfaction and commitment
McGuffin & Gottesman Concordance rate of nearly 90% for aggression in identical twins, just over 70% for DZ twins
Mason & Frick Meta-analysis found that about 50% of anti-social behaviour could be attributed to genetics
Hutchings & Mednick Significant correlation between children with criminal records and biological parents with a history of violence
Brunner Study of a particularly aggressive family found that the aggressive members had a defect in their MAOA gene that failed to release the enzyme
Jacobs Usually only 0.1% boys are affected by this. In the prison population, 3% were
Witken et al Crimes that the XYY prisoners were arrested for were usually not aggressive in nature
Button There is a significantly stronger genetic link for aggression in females than in males
Keller & Wang Maximum security prisons (which have people who have committed more violent crimes) report more aggressive behaviour than low-security prisons
DeLisi No significant evidence that gang membership outside prison is continued inside
Harer & Steffensmeier Black inmates were more likely to be aggressive. White inmates were more likely to suffer from drug and alcohol abuse. Reflects statistics
Wilson Reducing noise, heat and crowding lead to decrease in violent conduct at HMP Woodhull
McCorkle Overcrowding, lack of privacy and the lack of meaningful activity in prisons all significantly influence violence
Cheeseman Aggression in prisons was often used to reduce stress. Deprivation causes stress
Lenard Study on monkeys found that those with lower levels of serotonin were more likely to get in fights
Mann Artificially lowered levels of serotonin in humans. Men became more aggressive, women didn't
Ferrari Rats that were unusually aggressive (fighting for ten days) were found to have high levels of dopamine and low levels of serotonin
Couppis Low levels of dopamine make animals less co-ordinated. It may be they are still aggressive but cannot physically fight
Archer Low positive correlation of testosterone and aggression found in a meta-analysis
Dabbs Found that in prisoners the higher the testosterone, the more violent/sexual their crimes were
Bain The bane of Dabbs’ life; found no link between violent or non-violent crimes and prisoners’ testosterone
Lashley Dissected rat brains until he took out hypothalamus and rats were no longer motivated to get food
Mayer Blood sugar doesn’t trigger LH but the glucose in the cells does
Stanley Neuropeptide Y (NPY) causes you to eat. Repeated injections of NPY in rats caused obesity in just a few days
Marie Genetically manipulated mice so they didn’t make NPY and found no decrease in eating
OB mice Genetically fat and also miss the gene that produces leptin. When injected with leptin, they return to normal weight
Cummings Ghrelin levels correspond with how long it had been since the last meal. Also injected ghrelin into both humans and animals and saw an increase in eating
Trivers Any investment by a parent in one of his or her offspring that increases the chance that the offspring will survive at the expense of the parent’s ability to invest in any other offspring (alive or yet to be born)
Daly & Wilson (parental investment) Males spend more time on courtship rituals than mating (creates image of caregiver) but then less time on parenting
Smith 84% of mating worldwide is polygynous, 16% is monogamous, 0.5% is polyandrous (one women, multiple men)
Harris Males are more aroused by sexual imagery and more stressed by the thought of their partner cheating
Buss (parental investment) Men get more upset by the thought of their partner’s physical infidelity, women get more upset by the thought of their partner’s emotional infidelity
Cellmark diagnostics facility One in seven children did not know the identity of their biological father
Nasser Eating disorders are rare in Egypt. When Egyptian women moved to England, 12% developed an eating disorder
Pike & Rodin Family pressures on daughters create eating disorders. Perfectionist mothers were found in most anorexics’ families
Becker Girls in Fiji before TV showed low levels of eating disorders. Two years later, it had doubled
Slade & Russel Anorexics over-estimate their body size more than non-anorexics
Fairburn Perfectionism and negative self-evaluation are high risk factors for anorexia
Bandura More aggressive after seeing another person violent to Bobo doll
Charlton Children at St. Helena island showed no increase in aggression after being introduced to violent television
Eron et al The more violence watched by the child on TV, the more aggressive they were
Zimbardo Those with name tags and faces not obscured stopped electric shocks sooner
Mann In 10 out of 21 cases of suicide jumpers, the crowd urged them to jump. They were in a crowd, far away and in the dark
Deiner Children trick or treating in masks or large groups were more likely to steal
Herman & Polivy Created boundary model. Biopsychological, hunger/satiety boundaries, zone of indifference, ‘what the hell’ effect.
Herman & Mack Preload test, all women, those that were restrained eaters with a high-calorie preload ate the most
Wegner Told people not to think about a white bear, they did so more than those told to think about it
Mann & Ward Told one group to avoid a certain food, thoughts about and desire for said food increased
Li & Kenrick Men are aggressive to show they are better hunters and attract women
Daly & Wilson High risk strategies. Study of murderers found they were low status (i.e. unemployed or poor) and had no mate (no wife or girlfriend) + sexual jealousy is the underlying factor in one out of four murders
Dobash & Dobash Jealousy is reported as the reason for domestic abuse by most women
Felson Women are twice as likely to murder out of sexual jealousy
Palmer & Tilley Male youth gang members (likely to fight) have more sexual partners
Maxwell & Viscek Professional rugby players report that they are willing to cheat or be aggressive if it means winning
Cialdini Basking in reflected glory (scarves of winning teams likely to be worn round campus)
Marsh Football hooliganism is symbolic of fights over territory
Created by: Georgia11
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