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Test 4 GEOG 3

How much land does South Asia encompass? How many people? 3% of Earth's land 23% of Earth's people, 1.64 billion
Why are the mountains important? Dangerous? Refuge, terrorists use them to hide, start of many important rivers
About how many people live in modern day India? How many are Muslim? Compare to Pakistan. 1.2 billion, 120 million Muslims (10% of total population), India's Muslim population is as large as Pakistan's entire population
What direction does the wind blow in the winter? Summer? Summer from the S bringing monsoons, From N in winter bringing no moisture
When does monsoon season come, how long is it? What crops grow in monsoon areas? June-Oct, about 60 straight days, 2 thrusts of monsoons one from east and then west, western does not produce as much as eastern, Rice
What types of landforms are in S Asia? mountains, rivers, lowlands & plateaus
What are the mountain ranges in S Asia and the significant peaks? Hindu Kush-, Karakoram-K2, Himalayas-Everest
Where are the Himalayas? When did people climb them? Success rate? From Pakistan to Bhutan, 1900s, first to reach top 1953, 16%
What are the three sections of the Himalayas and how are they different? Great-highest peak, average 20,000 ft, people grow potatoes or barley, due to short season, very isolated Middle- "lesser Him", some cities, Kathmandu Sub- foothills, plains, valleys, S part heavily farmed, N heavily forested and farmed
Where does the name for the Ganges come from? named after Hindu goddess, daughter of the mountain god, religiously important, washes away sin, lots of human waste and chemicals
In the souther plateau region, where is the altitude higher? W side,
What was the Indus Valley Civilization, where was it located, and about when did it exist? Why decline? 2500 BC, earliest sign of civilization in India, reason unknown for decline, guessed to be the inconsistency of Indus River
What are some other names for Indus Vally Civilization? Sindhu, Harappa
HOw do we know that the people in the Indus Valley Civilization cared about urban planning? What did each major city have? street grid systems, sewer systems
Who were the Aryans, where did they come from, and when? What are the Indo-European languages? Invaders in 200-1500 BC, originated in modern day Iran, went to east India and west Europe, 1.6 billion speakers of Indo-European languages
When was the Vedic Age, and what were the Vedas? Why are they important? 1500-500 BC, a series of documents (Sanscript for knowledge) religious knowledge, divinely inspired, contains hymns, instructions for worship, philosophy of religion, foundation of Hinduism
Who were the Dasas? People from a legend
Created by: lsatterf
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