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Test 4 GEOG 3
Question | Answer |
How much land does South Asia encompass? How many people? | 3% of Earth's land 23% of Earth's people, 1.64 billion |
Why are the mountains important? Dangerous? | Refuge, terrorists use them to hide, start of many important rivers |
About how many people live in modern day India? How many are Muslim? Compare to Pakistan. | 1.2 billion, 120 million Muslims (10% of total population), India's Muslim population is as large as Pakistan's entire population |
What direction does the wind blow in the winter? Summer? | Summer from the S bringing monsoons, From N in winter bringing no moisture |
When does monsoon season come, how long is it? What crops grow in monsoon areas? | June-Oct, about 60 straight days, 2 thrusts of monsoons one from east and then west, western does not produce as much as eastern, Rice |
What types of landforms are in S Asia? | mountains, rivers, lowlands & plateaus |
What are the mountain ranges in S Asia and the significant peaks? | Hindu Kush-, Karakoram-K2, Himalayas-Everest |
Where are the Himalayas? When did people climb them? Success rate? | From Pakistan to Bhutan, 1900s, first to reach top 1953, 16% |
What are the three sections of the Himalayas and how are they different? | Great-highest peak, average 20,000 ft, people grow potatoes or barley, due to short season, very isolated Middle- "lesser Him", some cities, Kathmandu Sub- foothills, plains, valleys, S part heavily farmed, N heavily forested and farmed |
Where does the name for the Ganges come from? | named after Hindu goddess, daughter of the mountain god, religiously important, washes away sin, lots of human waste and chemicals |
In the souther plateau region, where is the altitude higher? | W side, |
What was the Indus Valley Civilization, where was it located, and about when did it exist? Why decline? | 2500 BC, earliest sign of civilization in India, reason unknown for decline, guessed to be the inconsistency of Indus River |
What are some other names for Indus Vally Civilization? | Sindhu, Harappa |
HOw do we know that the people in the Indus Valley Civilization cared about urban planning? What did each major city have? | street grid systems, sewer systems |
Who were the Aryans, where did they come from, and when? What are the Indo-European languages? | Invaders in 200-1500 BC, originated in modern day Iran, went to east India and west Europe, 1.6 billion speakers of Indo-European languages |
When was the Vedic Age, and what were the Vedas? Why are they important? | 1500-500 BC, a series of documents (Sanscript for knowledge) religious knowledge, divinely inspired, contains hymns, instructions for worship, philosophy of religion, foundation of Hinduism |
Who were the Dasas? | People from a legend |