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Stack #155882

ECD 135 Ch. 1 Review

ecological pertaining to the relationship of the individual to the environment
heredity the transmission from parent to child of certain characteristics
attachment the bond that develops betweeen a child and another person as a result of a long-term relationship
primary caregiver person assigned to be a child's main caregiver throughout the day in order to form a positive attachment bond
economic satisfaction of the material needs of people
cultural related to traits and ascribed membership in a given group
percent of homeless that are families 40 percent
primary factor in the majority of childhood health and nutritional risks low income (poverty)
cultural competence demonstratio of behaviors, attitudes, and policies that allow for cross-cultural effectiveness and valuing of diversity
health promotion improvement of health conditions by encouraging healthful characteristics and customs
risk chance of injury, damage or loss
risk management way to minimize the chance that danger may occur
health status condition of one's health
guidelines statements of advice or instruction pertaining to practice
standards statements that define a goal of practice
laws rules of conduct established and enforced by authority
regulations recommendations taht are made a requirement by law
staff-to-child ratio number of staff required to provide proper care for the number of chldren of a certain age group
curriculum course of study that relates the the subject being examined
anti-bias an approach to curriculum that removes all ineqities due to race, gender, and abilities
Regio Emilia an approach that allows for the investigation of information and gaining knowledge through project-based learning by doing
theme subject being emphasized
objectives goals, expected outcomes
thematic approach curriculum approach that is responsive to children's interests and may include seasonal concepts (fall,winter topics, etc.)
Childhood health problems related to poverty low birth weight, accidental death, lead poisoning, asthma, lack of immunizations, childhood diseases, iron deficiency anemia
NAEYC reccommendations for teachers to address cultural competency recognize connection children have to the culture of their language and home, children demonstrate capabilities in many ways, learning a second language is not easy.
Basic goals for a high-qualith early childhood education program. maximize health status of childre; minimize risks for children; educate children and adults to reduce risks; recognize importance of guidelines, standards, and laws; practice cultural competence; partner with families
Created by: PamMcIntyre
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