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chap 16


Achievement test tests designed to measure what has been learned, not ability or potential
back-to-basics movement push among some professional educators to stress the "basics" of reading, writing and arithmetic and the "canon" of classic literature
Charter school a school which receives public funding but operates independently.Charter schools are an example of alternative education.
cognitive ability the capacity for abstract thinking
cognitive elite term used to describe the upper class in society, based on the premise that they possess a genetically based high intelligence
credentialism the instance upon educational credentials only for their own sake
educational deflation the decline in the value of a college education arising from increases over time in the number of persons graduating from college; the decline in value of a bachelors degree
labeling effect the effect of educational role assignment as distinct from the effect of cognitive ability
latent functions indirect, non-obvious consequences (functions) emerging from the activities of institutions
multiculturalism movement the push to introduce into elementary, high school and college curricula more courses on different and diverse subcultures and groups, ethnic groups and gender studies
predictive validity the extent to which a accurately predicts later college grades, or some other criterion such as likelihood of graduating
schooling the formal, institutionalized aspects of education
self-fulfilling prophecy the process by which merely applying a label changes behavior and thus tends to justify the label
standardized ability test test given to large populations and scored with respect to population averages
stereotype threat effect a decrease in ability test score resulting from the stress and fear of confirming a negative racial, ethnic or gender stereotype
teacher expectancy effect the effect of the teachers expectations on the students actual performance, independent of the students ability
tracking grouping, or stratifying, students in school on the basis of ability test scores
Created by: 1611442666
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