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AP Psych 12

Abnormal Psychology

psychological disorders (3 d's) deviant, distressful, dysfunctional
ADHD by age 7, extreme inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity
medical model psychological disorders can be diagnosed, treated, and possibly cured
DSM-IV-TR APA's manual of mental disorders used for classifying disorders
anxiety disorders distressing and persistent anxiety
Generalized anxiety an anxiety disorder where a person is tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic arousal with no cause
panic disorder an anxiety disorder with unpredictable episodes or intense dread and terror with chest pain, choking, and frightening sensations
phobia irrational fear and avoidance of something specific
OCD an anxiety disorder with unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and/or actions (compulsions)
PTSD haunting memories, nightmares, social anxiety that lasts for 4+ weeks after a traumatic experience
post-traumatic growth positive psychology changes as a result of struggling with something challenging
learning perspective of anxiety disorders fear conditioning, observational
biological perspective of anxiety disorders natural selection, genes, brain structure
somatoform disorder symptoms take a somatic (bodily) form without physical cause
conversion disorder a somatoform disorder where a person experiences genuine physical symptoms with no physical cause (disease)
hypochondriasis a somatoform disorder where a person interprets normal physical sensations as symptoms of a disease
dissociative disorder conscious awareness becomes separated from previous memories
fuegue state losing of your sense of identity and wander from home
dissociative identity disorder (DID) person exhibits 2+ distinct and alternating personalities
mood disorders characterized by emotional extremes
major depressive disorder a mood disorder with 2+ weeks of depression, feelings of worthlessness, and diminished interests without drugs
bipolar disorder a mood disorder that alternates between depression and mania
mania hyperactive, optimistic state
dysthymic disorder daily depression lasting 2+ years
biological perspective of mood disorders genes, brain chemistry (-norepinephrine & +serotonin), brain activity
social-cognitive perspective of mood disorders stress brings negative behaviors then depression
schizophrenia group of disorders with delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions/actions
2 parts of disorganized thinking delusions and inattention
delusions false beliefs of persecution or grandeur
1 part of disturbed thinking hallucinations (more hearing)
1 part of inappropriate emotions flat effect (emotionless)
chronic schizophrenia occurs regularly
acute schizophrenia occurs periodically
paranoia stage of schizophrenia preocccupation with delusions
biological perspective of schizophrenia brain chemistry (dopamine+), brain activity (frontal lobe), pre-natal (viruses), genetic
personality disorder behavior patterns that impair social functioning
3 clusters of personality disorders anxiety, eccentric, dramatic/impulsive
antisocial personality disorder lack of conscience for wrongdoing
most common disorder anxiety
2nd most common disorder mood
Philippe Pinel 1st used medical model for psychology
Peter Lewinsohn behavioral theory of depression
Created by: jducttape
Popular Psychology sets




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