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Motivation & Emotion


Instincts A fixed action pattern, in which a very short-medium length sequence of actions without variation, are carried out in response to a stimulus.
Motivations The process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is what causes us to act.
Lateral Hypothalamus The area of the brain thatdrives animals to eat when electrically stimulated; if destroyed, animals will stop eating.
Set-Point Theory It suggests that each person has an established, normal body weight and a metabolic thermostat that regulates our body fat and weight.
Primary Drives Unlearned motives that are found in all animals and humans. It motivates behavior that is vital to the survival of the individual/species (hunger, thirst, sex, sleep, etc.)
Incentives External stimulus that motivates behavior that you do not need to be aware of it to happen. It does not have to be primary or an active cognitive secondary drive.
Intrinsic Motivators (Also called internal motivation) This is when someone completes an activity because it pleases you, like finishing a jigsaw puzzle.
Extrinsic Motivators (Also called external motivation) This is the completion of an activity because of consequences, reward or punishment.
Achievement Motivation Tries to explain the motivations behind more complex behaviors, examines our desires to master complex tasks and knowledge, and to reach personal goals.
Drive Reduction Theory The theory that says motivated behavior is an attempt to reduce a state of tension/arousal in the body and return the body to a state of balance.
Secondary Drives Acquired through learning. Affiliation, social, achievement, aggression, power are some of these drives. Examples would be money, acceptance, etc.
Opponent-Process Theory of Motivation This states that people are usually at a normal state. However, we may perform an act that moves us from the normal state.
Arousal Theory Theory of motivation that says each individual has an optimal level of arousal that varies, depending on the situation. It's maintained by desire at that moment and may affect your performance (Yerkes-Dodson Law)
Approach-Approach Conflict Occurs when you must choose between two desirable outcomes.
Approach-Avoidance Conflict Occurs when one event/goal has both desirable and undesirable features.
Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict Occurs when you must choose between two undesirable outcomes.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow thought that not all needs are created equal. He predicted which needs we will be motivated to satisfy first.
James-Lange Theory of Emotion Theory of emotion that stimuli in environment causes physiological change in bodies, then causes emotion. (1880s, William James and Carl Lange)
Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion Theory of emotion that says processing emotions and bodily responses occurs simultaneously. (1920's)
Two-Factor Theory Cognitive theory that there are bodily emotions, but we use the emotions/information to tell us how to react in a situation. It's only when we think or recognize that do we experience the emotion. (Schacter & Singer (1962)
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Describes the general response animals and humans have to a stressful event. Response patterns to different physical and emotional stress is very consistent. (Hans Selye)
Obesity Type of eating disorder that causes people to be severely overweight, and the excess weight threatens their health.Obese people usually have unhealthy eating habits. Some people may be genetically predisposed to obesity.
Bulimia Type of eating disorder where people eat a lot of food in a short period of time, then get rid of the food by vomiting, exercising excessively, or using laxatives. They're obsessed with food and their weight. The majority of bulimics are women.
Anorexia A type of eating disorder where people starve themselves to below 85 percent of their normal body weight and refuse to eat due to their obsession with weight. Most anorexic people are women.
Created by: Amberley :)
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