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Abnormal Ch. 1

Psychological Disorder Psychological dysfunction associated with distress or impairment in functioning that isnt a typical or culturally expected response.
Psychological dysfunction a breakdown in cognitive, emotional or behavioral functioning.
Presenting problem original complaint reported by the client to the therapist. the actual treated problem may be a modification dervied from the presenting problem
Clinical description details of the combination of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings of an individual that make up a particular disorder.
Prevalence number of people displaying a disorder in the total population at any given time (compare with incidence)
Incidence Number of new cases of a disorder appearing during a specific period compared with prevalence.
3 historical models of abnormal behavior Supernatural Model Biological Model Psychological Model
Supernatural model Driving forces can be divinities, demons, spirits, or other phenomena such as magnetic fields or the moon or the stars.
Exorcism Religious ritual that attributes disordered behavior to possession by demons and seeks to treat the individual by driving the demons from the body.
Freud's Hysteria Theory Many general physical complaints reported by young women in the 1990s were the result of the "conversion" of unacceptable sexual fantasies into more acceptable outlets. This theory led to the inclusion of a diagnosis of conversion hysteria in the DSM
Psychosocial treatment Treatment practices that focus on social and cultural factors such as family experience, as well as psychological influences. These approaches include cognitive, behavioral and interpersonal methods.
Moral Therapy Psychosocial approach in the 19th century that involved treating patients as normally as possible in normal environments.
Psychoanlysis assessment and therapy pioneered by Freud that emphasizes exploration of, and insight into, unconscious processes and conflicts.
Unconscious Part of the psychic makeup that is outside the awareness of the person.
Catharsis Rapid or sudden release of emotional tension thought to be an important factor in psychoanalyctic therapy.
Psychoanalytic Model Complex and comprehensive theory by Freud that seeks to account for the development and structure of personality as well as the origin of abnormal behavior, based primarily on inferred inner entities and forces.
Id the unconscious psychic entity present at birth representing basic drives.
Ego the psychic entity responsible for finding realistic and practical ways to satisfy id drives.
Superego the psychic entity representing the internalized moral standards of parents and society.
Intrapsychic conflicts A struggle among the id, ego, and superego
Defense mechanisms Common pattern of behavior often an adaptive coping style when it occurs in moderation, observed in response to a particular situation. Psychoanalytic theory suggests that they are unconscious processes originating in the ego.
Defense Mechanism: Denial Refuses to acknowledge some aspect of objective reality or subjective experience that is apparent to others.
Defense Mechanism: Displacement Transfers a feeling about, or a response to, an object that causes discomfort onto another, usually less-threatening, object or person.
Defense Mechanism: Projection Falsely attributes own unacceptable feelings, impulses, or thoughts to another person or object.
Defense Mechanism: Rationalization Conceals the true motivations for actions, thoughts or feelings through elaborate reassuring or self serving but incorrect explainations.
Defense Mechanism: Reaction Formation Substitutes behavior, thoughts or feelings that are the direct opposite of unacceptable ones.
Defense Mechanism: Repression Blocks disturbing wishes, thoughts or experiences from conscious awareness.
Defense Mechanism: Sublimation Directs potentially maladaptive feelings or impulses into socially acceptable behavior.
Psychosexual stages of development Psychoanalytic concept of the sequence of phases a person passes through during development. each stage is named for the location of the body where id gratification is maximal at that time. (Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital)
Castration anxiety the fear in young boys that they will be mutilated genitally because of their lust for their mother.
Neurosis (neuroses plural) Obsolete psychodynamic term for a psychological disorder thought to result from an unconscious conflict and the anxiety causes it.
Ego Psychology Emphasizes the role of the ego in development and attributes psychological disorders to failure of the ego to manage impulses and internal conflicts. aka self-psychology.
Free Association Technique intended to explore threatening material repressed into the unconscious. the patient is instructed to say whatever comes to mind without censoring.
Dream Analysis Psychoanalytic therapy method in which dream content is examined as symbolic id impulses and intrapsychic conflicts.
Psychoanalyst Therapist who practices psychoanalysis after earning either an M.D. or a Ph.D. degree and receiving additional specialized postdoctoral training.
Transference Concept suggesting that clients may seek to related to the therapist as they do to important authority figures, particularly their parents.
Pyschodynamic Pyschotherapy Contemporary version of psychoanalysis that still emphasized unconscious processes and conflicts but is briefer and more focused on specific problems.
Behavioral Model Explaination of human behavior, including dysfunction, based on principles of learning and adaptation derived from experimental psychology.
Behavior Therapy Array of therapeutic methods based on the principles of behavioral and cognitive science, as well as principles of learning as applied to clinical problems. It considers specific behaviors rather than inferred conflicts as legitimate targets for change.
Created by: kane9101
Popular Psychology sets




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