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psychology unit3 ch6

interaction between cognitive processes of the brain and its structure

Association areas Regions of the cerebral lobes that are not part of the sensory or motor cortices. The association areas make up 75% of the cortex and integrates the information between the motor and sensory areas and higher-order mental processing.
Autonomic nervous system Consisting of the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches and responsible for the communication between the body's nonskeletal (visceral) muscles and the internal organs; glands that carry out bodily function.
Central nervous system Comprises the brain and the spinal cord.
Cerebral cortex Outer layer of brain. Location of higher mental processes and complex behaviours.
Cerebral hemispheres Large, wrinkled structures of the brain that are covered by the cortex.
Corpus callosum The thick band of about 200 million nerve fibres connecting the right and left hemispheres.
Frontal lobe The largest lobe of the brain. It has several functions, including initiating movement of the body, language, planning, judgement, problem solving, aspects of personality and emotions. It is extremely well developed in higher mammals.
Occipital lobe The cerebral cortex at the rear of the brain. It is the location of the primary visual cortex and association areas involved with integration of visual stimuli.
Parasympathetic nervous system A branch of the autonomic nervous system, responsible for maintaining our day-to-day functioning and for most of the automatic functions of the body such as digestion, heart-rate, breathing and some glandular functions.
Parietal lobe The location of the primary somatosensory cortex in the brain. The parietal lobes enable a person to perceive their own body and to perceive where things are located in their immediate environment.
Peripheral nervous system Communicates information from the body to the central nervous system (for example aches and pains) and to the body's organs, glands and muscles.
Primary auditory cortex Located in the upper part of the temporal lobe. Receives sounds from ears.
Primary motor cortex Located at the rear of each frontal lobe. Responsible for the movement of the skeletal muscles of the body.
Primary somatosensory cortex Located at the front of each parietal lobe. Processes sensations such as touch, pressure, temperature and pain from the body.
Primary visual cortex Located in the occipital lobes. Processes information from the eyes.
Somatic nervous system The division of the peripheral nervous system that carries sensory information into the central nervous system, and also carries motor commands from the central nervous system to the skeletal muscles.
Sympathetic nervous system A branch of the autonomic nervous system that activates the flight-or-fight response.
Temporal lobe The part of the forebrain beneath the temporal plate of the skull, at the side of the head above the ears. Contains Wernicke's area and the primary auditory cortex.
Created by: lydiamcc
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