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Mech Vent Units 3&4

SPC Mechanical Vent Units 3 & 4

What are the indications for artificial airways? Suction, Airway/Aspiration, Ventilation, Obstruction
What types of pts are NIFS & VCs commonly done on? SOB, muscular disease
What are Cheyne Stokes respirations? Vt gradually increases & decreases followed by brief apneic period.
What are Biot's respirations? Respiratory rate changes but Vt stays the same
What are the methods of triggering inspiration? Pressure, Flow, Time
Things that increase a pt's drive to breathe? Airway resistance, chest wall deformities, ARDS
Things that decrease a pt's drive to breathe? Depressant drugs, brainstem lesions, hypothyroidism
What is positive pressure ventilation? Pressure at mouth is above ambient pressure causing air to rush into lungs - pushing air into lungs via the mouth.
What are the types of a breath? Mandatory, Assisted, & Spontaneous
What are the variable modes of ventilation? Volume, Pressure, Flow, Time
What is the factor that begins inspiration? Triggering
What is the factor that ends inspiration & begins exhalation? Cycling
Define respiratory failure pH < 7.25 and PaCO2 > 50
What is the normal A-a gradient range? 5-15 mmHg
What are the main waveforms monitored in mech. vent.? Pressure, Volume, Flow
What is compliance? Stretchability of lung tissue & thoracic wall
What are 2 goals of mechanical ventilation? Decrease WOB, restore normal acid-base balance
What is the normal Vd/Vt range? 0.20 - 0.40
What is mandatory breath? Vent is doing all the work of breathing
What is assisted breath? Pt begins breath, vent controls inspiratory phase & ends expiration.
What is spontaneous breath? Pt controls all phases of breathing
What is the normal range for airway resistance? 1-2 cmH2O/L/sec(not tubed), 5-7 cmH2O/L/sec(tubed)
The formula used to derive Vd? PaCO2 - PeCO2 / PaCO2
What is the #1 deadspace disease? Pulmonary Embolus
What is the normal & critical range for pH? Normal: 7.35-7.45, Critical: <7.25
What is the normal & critical range for PaCO2? Normal: 35-45, Critical: >50
What is the normal & critical range for Vd/Vt? Normal: .2 -.4, Critical: >.6
What is the normal & critical range for PaO2? Normal: 80 - 100, Critical: <70(on O2)
What is the normal & critical range for P(A-a)O2? Normal: 5 - 15, Critical: >450(on O2)
What is the normal & critical range for a/A O2? Normal: 0.75 - 0.95, Critical: <0.15
What is the normal & critical range for PaO2/FiO2? Normal: 475, Critical: <200
What is the normal & critical range for MIP/NIF cmH2O? Normal: -50 to -100, Critical: 0 to -20
What is the normal & critical range for MEP cmH2O? Normal: +100, Critical: <40
What is the normal & critical range for VC (ml/kg)? Normal: 65 to 75, Critical: <15
What is the normal & critical range for Vt (ml/kg)? Normal: 5 to 8, Critical: <5
What is the normal & critical range for RR/Frequency? Normal: 12-20bpm, Critical: >35bpm
What is the normal & critical range for FEV1 (ml/kg)? Normal: 50 to 60, Critical: <10
What is the normal range for Peak flow (L/sec)? Normal: 100 to 850 L/min
Created by: vgflgirl
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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