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Psychopathology I

Midterm Study Stack

Six Steps to Differential Diagnosis 1. RO substance-related etiology 2. RO etiology related to a general medical condition 3. Determine the specific primary d/o present 4. Differentiate Adjustment d/o from NOS 5. Establish the boundary with no mental d/o 6. RO malingering
What is mental disorder/ psychopathology? -Disturbances in cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior reflecting dysfunction in psychological, biological, or developmental processes underlying mental functioning -Significant distress in social, occupational,or other important activities.
What is NOT mental disorder/psychopathology? -Culturally approved responses to common stressors or loss. -Social deviance or conflicts between an individual and society.
What is assessment? Time-limited, formal process of collecting data or information about the patients chief complaint, life, family, and medical history.
How is an assessment done? Clinician asks specific questions about patients history (medical, family, psychological, social, academic, etc), performs various assessment measures (medical, cross-cutting L1, L2; achievement, aptitude, IQ, personality, neurophsych).
What is the purpose of assessment? -To determine the primary diagnosis,prognosis biopsychosocial formulation, and ultimately IDENTIFY TREATMENT. -Later assessments help monitor symptoms and success of implemented treatment.
4 D's of Dysfunction 1. Deviance 2. Distress 3. Destruction 4. Danger
Intellectual Disability Criteria A. Deficits in intellectual functions (reasoning, prob solving, planning, abstract thinking, judgment, academic/experience learning) confirmed by clinical assessment and IQ test. B. Deficits in adaptive functioning C. Onset during developmental period
Intellectual Disability Specifiers Mild, Moderate, Severe, Profound Determined by adaptive functioning, NOT IQ
Autism Spectrum Disorder Criteria A A. Deficits in social comm/interaction (3/3) -Social-emotional reciprocity (reduced shared interests/emotions) -Nonverbal Communicative Behaviors (abnormal body language, eye contact, affect) -Developing, maintaining, & understanding relationships.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Criteria B B. Restricted, repetitive patterns (2/4) -Rep. motor movement, use of objects, or speech -Insistence on sameness, routine, inflexible -Highly restricted, fixated interests -Hyper/hypo sensitivity to sensory input
Autism Spectrum Disorder Criteria C C. Symptoms present during early developmental period D. Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning. E. Not better explained by ID or global developmental delay
Autism Spectrum Disorder Specifiers (5) -W/ or w/o accompanying intellectual impairment -w/ or w/o accompanying language impairment -Associated w/known medical/genetic condition or environmental factor -Associated w/another neurodevelopmental, mental, or behavior d/o -w/ catatonia
ADHD Criteria A. 6 or more symptoms present from inattention (1), and/or hyperactive/impulsive (2) B. Present prior to age 12 C. Present in 2 or more settings D. symptoms interfere with social, academic, or occupational functioning E. Not better explained w/other
ADHD Specifiers -In partial remission (full criteria prev. met, fewer symptoms in last 6 months, impairment) -Mild (few if any symptoms in excess of req, minor impairment) -Moderate (between mild and severe) -Severe (many symptoms in excess of req, marked impairment)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Criteria A A. pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting 6 months. At least 4 symptoms from 3 categories.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Criteria B & C B. Behavior is associated with distress of individual or others close or negative impact on social, educational, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. C. Behaviors don't exclusively occur during psychosis, depression, or BP, not DMDD
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Specifiers Mild: symptoms are confined to 1 setting Moderate: Symptoms in 2 settings Severe: Symptoms present in 3 or more settings
Conduct Disorder Criteria A A. Repetitive/persistent pattern of behavior, basic human rights of others or major social norms violated, 3/15 in past 12 mo & 1 in last 6 mo -Aggression to people and animals -Destruction of property -Deceitfulness or theft -serious rule violations
Conduct Disorder Criteria B & C B. Behavior causes clinically significant impairment in social academic, or occupational functioning C. If over age 18, does not meet criteria for APD
Conduct Disorder Specifiers 1 *With limited prosocial emotions: at least two characteristics over 12 mo and in multiple relationships/settings. -lack of remorse/guilt -callous-lack of empathy -unconcerned about performance -shallow/deficient affect
Conduct Disorder Specifiers 2 Severity: -Mild: few if any problems in excess, AND cause relatively minor harm to others -Moderate: between mild and severe -Severe: Many problems in excess,OR cause considerable harm to others
Conduct Disorder Subtypes -Childhood-onset type: 1 symptom prior to age 10 -Adolescent-onset type: no symptoms prior to age 10 -Unspecified type: Criteria met but not enough info to determine first symptom onset age
Pyromania Criteria A,B,C A. Deliberate and purposeful fire setting on more than one occasion B. Tension or affective arousal before the act C. Fascination with, interest in, curiosity about, or attraction to fire and its contexts (paraphernalia, uses, consequences)
Pyromania Criteria D D. Pleasure, gratification, or relief when setting fires or when witnessing or participating in aftermath
Pyromania Criteria E,F E. Not for monetary gain, express sociopolitical ideology,conceal criminal activity, express anger/vengeance, improve living situation, hallucination/delusion, or result of impaired judgment F. Not better explained by CD, manic episode, or APD
Kleptomania Criteria A,B,C A. Recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal objects that are not needed for personal use or monetary value B. Increasing sense of tension immediately before committing theft. C. Pleasure, gratification, or relief at time of committing theft
Kleptomania Criteria D,E D. Stealing not committed to express anger/vengeance and not in response to delusions or hallucinations E. Stealing is not better explained by CD, manic episode, or APD
Created by: klthomas0123
Popular Psychology sets




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