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Chapters 1&2

personality an individuals distinctive pattern of thinking, feeling & acting.
preferences those behaviors that a person automatically & instinctively chooses over other behaviors; for example, a preference to be introverted rather than extraverted
sensing a personality preference that is best suited for situations that require focusing attention to the world of people and things
thinking a personality preference that is best suited for situations that require making an important decision by weighing evidence objectively and determining the most logical choice
structured a personality preference that is best suited for situations that require predictability, order, stander routines & adherence to time frames
introverted a personality preference that is best suited for situations that require redirecting attention internally to the world of thoughts and ideas
extroverted personality preference that is best suited for situations that require directing attention externally to the world of people and things
flexible personality preference that is best suited for assessing options and changing course to achieve better results
stress response people's per-programmed, biological responses to dangerous physical, psychological or emotional situations, also known as "fight or flight"
in the grip a state induced by an unmanageable level of stress in which an individuals behavior reflects the negative expressions of his or her personality
flexing using a flex strategy
flex strategy a plan or approach that reflects an adjustment of behavior in order to have more productive successful interactions with people whose personality preferences are different from their own
respect deeply held, positive feelings experienced when an individual recognizes traits of character, goodness or competence in oneself or others
mutual respect deeply held, positive feeling that two people have for one another
self-esteem pride in oneself; form of respect that enables an individual to develop healthy relationships with others
integrity quality or condition of being complete unimpaired and sound
trust ability to create relationships built upon mutual respect and openness
commitment a pledge to a course of action
resilience capacity to turn setbacks into comebacks
persistence staying the course; not giving up; having willingness to strive
flexibility ability to adapt or respond to change
Created by: 1187546612
Popular Psychology sets




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