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Survival Stack 3
Italian Lesson 3 Survival Vocab
Question | Answer |
ricevere | to receive/receive |
arte | art |
cultura | culture |
maggiori informazioni | more information |
servizio | service |
esatto | exactly |
previsioni | weather forecast |
tempo | weather (or time) |
notizie | news |
entrare | to enter/enter |
pagare | to pay/pay |
comprare | to buy/buy |
fare la spesa | to grocery shop |
diffuso | widespread (diffused) |
te | tea |
cappuccino | cappuccino (coffee with steamed milk a/k/a yummy!) |
ferrovia | railroad |
stazione | train station |
mi serve | I need (works like mi piace) |
mi servono | I need (works like mi piacciono) |
fornire | to provide |
fornisce | provides |
acquistare | to buy; to acquire |
mi serve una matita per fare i compiti | I need a pencil to do homework |
voglio acquistare un biglietto per il circo | I want to buy a ticket for the circus |
biglietto | ticket |
mi manca | I'm missing (works like mi piace) |
mi mancano | I'm missing (works like mi piacciono) |
mi manca mio amico | I miss my friend |
mi mancano ingredienti e devo fare la spesa | I'm missing ingredients and have to go grocery shopping |
divertimento | fun |
ci sono solo le notizie brutte sul televisore oggi | There is only bad news on TV today |
vuoi prendere un cappuccino con me stamattina? | do you want to go grab a cappuccino with me this morning? |