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Psychology quiz 1

Disciplines from which psychology originates Philosophy and physiology
when, when, and by whom was the first psychology laboratory established 1879 at the University of Leipzig(Germany) by Wilhelm Wundt
introspection the careful,systematic,self-observation, of one's own conscious experience
structuralism to analyze consciousness into its basic elements and investigate how these elements are related
functionalism To investigate the function or purpose of consciousness
cognition mental processes involved in acquiring knowledge
psychology Science that studies behavior and the physiological and cognitive processes that underlie behavior
steps of scientific method 1- formulate a hypothesis, 2- design the study, 3- collect the data, 4- analyze the data, 5-report the findings
experimental research method Detects cause-effect relationships by manipulating variables
descriptive/correlational research method observes whether there is a link between variables of interest because the researcher doesn't have the control to manipulate the variables
independent variable experimenter manipulates/varies this input
dependent variable variable thought to be affected by the manipulation
extraneous varable applied treatment
experimental group group receiving treatment
control group group receiving no treatment
statistics the use of math to organize, summarize, and interpret numerical data
mean average
median middle of the scores
mode number that appears most frequently
central tendency types
correlation coefficient the numerical index of the degree of relation between two variabes
positive correlation
negative correlation
standard deviation the data scattered/varying
ethical guidelines(include all 6) subject's participation should be voluntary with informed consent, harmful procedures are prohibited, any deception must be told to participants after the study, don't violate subjects right to privacy, harm to animals must be justified
Created by: abe_arenas
Popular Psychology sets




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