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PSY 416 Ch. 1


Cognitive Psychology The study of the mental operations that support people's acquisition and use of knowledge.
Human Information Processing The psych approach that attempts to identify what occurs during the various stages (attention, perceotion, STM) of processing information.
Sensory Store The part of memory that hold unanalyzed sensory information for a fraction of a second, providing an opportunity for additional analysis following the physical termination of a stimulus.
Pattern Recognition The stage of perception during which a stimulus is identified.
Filter The part of attention in which some perceptual information is blocked (filtered) out and not recognized, while other info receives attention and is subsequently recognized.
Selection Stage The stage that follows pattern recognition and determines which info a person will try to remember
Short-term Memory (STM) Memory that has a limited capacity and that lasts only approx. 20-30 sec in the absence of attending to its content.
Long-term Memory (LTM) Memory that has no capacity limits and lasts from minutes to a lifetime.
Bottom-up Processing The flow of information from Sensory Store -> Pattern Rec. <-> STM <-> LTM
Top-Down Processing The flow of information from LTM <-> STM <-> Pattern Rec. <- Sensory
Stimulus-Response The approach that emphasizes the association between a stimulus and a response, without ID the mental operations that produced the response. (Watson's Behaviorism)
Artificial Intelligence The study of how to produce computer programs that can perform intellectually demanding tasks.
Plan A temporally ordered sequence of operations for carrying out some task.
Cognitive Sciences The interdisciplinary attempt to study cognition to such fields as psych, philos, AI, nuerosci, linguist., and anthro.
Cognitive Neuroscience The study of the relation b/t cognitive processes and brain activites.
fMRI (Functional magnetic resonance imaging) A diagnostic technique that uses magnetic fields and computerized images to locate mental operations in the brain.
Positron-emission tomography (PET) A diagnostic technique that uses radioactive tracers to study brain activity by measuring the amount of blood flow in different parts of the brain.
Event-related potential (ERP) A diagnostic technique that uses electrodes placed on the scalp to measure the duration of brain waves during mental tasks.
Created by: nga
Popular Psychology sets




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