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PC Key terms v2
Population change
Question | Answer |
Ageing population | the increasing average age of the population, together with an increasing proportion of people of over the age of 65. |
Assisted passages | A migration policy used in Australia to encourage young European families to migrate there between the 1950s and 1970s; known as the 'ten pound passage'. |
Birth rate | The number of births expressed as a rate per 1000 population in a year. |
Crude rates | Measure the basic statistics of any population, such as birth or death rates per 1000. |
Death rate | The number of deaths expressed as a rate per 1000 population in a year. |
Demographers | people who study population. |
Demographic transition | How population characteristics change over time. |
Demographic Transition Model (DTM) | A theory showing how population, food supply, and economic development are linked. |
Dependency ratio | The proportion of the population not in work (i.e. children 0-15 and those above 64) who are dependent on those in work. It is normally shown as a percentage. |
Deprivation | A low standard of living caused by low income, poor housing and health, and low education qualifications. |
Doubling time | the time it takes for the population to double. |
Exponential growth | Where growth rates become more and more rapid |
Fertility rate | The average number of children born to a woman over her lifetime, assuming that she survives from birth to the end of her reproductive life. |
Grey pound | The spending power of those who are retired. |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) | The value of the goods and services produced in a country over a year. |
Host nations | Where migrants move to. |
Infant mortality rate | The number of deaths of children before their first birthday expressed as a rate per 1000 population. |
Inward migration | The process of moving to an area. |
Knowledge economy | an economy based on financial, legal and management and business services, where expertise is 'sold'. |
Life expectancy | The expected number of years of life remaining at a given age, usually expressed from birth. |
Median age | The middle value of a range of data. |
Migration | Movement of people |
Natural decrease | Where population falls as death rates exceed birth rates. |
Negative multiplier | Where low spending power caused by low incomes limits economic growth, and may cause decline as demand falls. |
One-child policy | a population policy designed to limit every family to one child. |
Out-migration | The process of moving away from an area. |
Population 'explosion' | The sustained increase in global population. |
Population density | The average number of people per unit area (usually a square kiolmetre). |
Population structure | The proportion of people of each sex in each age group. |
Post-production countryside | a landscape where leisure and tourism (and not food) earn landowners a living. |
Primary employment | Jobs in the production of raw materials or natural products, e.g. farming, fishing, forestry, mining and quarrying. |
Primary products | Raw materials; any goods grown on farms, in forests, or extracted from quarries and mines. |
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP$) | GDP expressed in terms of what per capita income will buy in a country when cost of living is taken into consideration. |
Rate of natural increase | The number of people per 1000 by which a population increases or decreases within a year. |
Refined rates | Refer to particular changes in a specific population, e.g. whether a local death rate is higher than average. |
Replacement level | The number of children needed to maintain a population. This is normally 2.1, to allow for deaths in early life. |
Sheltered accommodation | Accommodation designed with the needs of the elderly or less mobile in mind. |
Skills-based migration | a migration policy used in Australia to limit migrants to those who are skilled, based on employment, qualifications, age, and English-speaking abilities. |
Soil erosion | The removal of fertile soil particles by wind or surface run-off. |
Soil salinity | The increase in salt content in soil, beyond which plants cannot grow. |
Source nations | Where migrants originate. |
Youthful population | Where a high proportion of the population is aged 15 and under. |