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Speech 3.2

Chapter 3 Part 2- Speech Making Process

What is the first thing you should do when you get a speech assignment? Understand the assignment.
How you you understand you assignment? Know what you are supposed to do in the speech: inform, persuade, or entertain? What are the minimun and maximun times? Are there any speical requirements?
How do you develope your speech content? Know your topic and why you have chosen; know your audience; select a few points manageable in the time aloted and that makes you audience rememeber what you want them too; Make everything relevent; use a variety of support; be clear and interesting; ackn
How do you organize your speech? Every speech must have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion
How should an introduction be arranged? It should attract attention, give a statement of purpose, state your rational for speaking on this topic, establish your crediability, and tell the points you will consider in the speech
How should the body be organized? Each point should have the 4's:Signpoint your main ideas (Finally, Initially) State the idea clearly Support the idea Summarize the idea and move on
What are the 4 S's? Signpoint your main ideas (Finally, Initially) State the idea clearly Support the idea Summarize the idea and move on
How should the conclusion be arranged? make a summary statement, state what you want them to remember, make a closing statement
How should one word a speech? use conversational language, use correct language, use clear language, use vivid language
How should one practice a speech? you should practice a speech as you would deliver it in class, make clear speaking notes, record your speech for review, listen to others critique your speech, time your speech, adjust as needed
How should one deliver a speech? create a vocal delivery by changing your tone; change your rate to match your audience's comprehension; make eye contact; wear appropriate clothing; use natural and spontaneous gestures; use appropriate facial expressions; is you move, is it for a purpose
What should you do after you give a speech? Evaluate your speech
How should you evaluate your speech? recognize what you did well, recognize what you need to improve on, make a speciffic plan of how you will improve your next speech
Created by: jriley20
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