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Pharm Exam 1

material for Exam 1

First pass when a drug that goes to the liver before being distributed to the rest of the body
Examples of first pass Enternal (GI), oral or rectal, hepatic artery, or portal vein
Examples of non first pass sublingual, parental, SUBQ, IM, topical, transdermal, or inhalation
Ways drugs are excreted kidney, bowel, lungs, sweat, salivary glands, and mammary glands
Agonist makes a body process happen that would normally happen, just quicker
Antagonist inhibits something the body naturally does from happening
Agonist example Insulin
Antagonist example beta blockers
Enzyme interaction prevents an enzyme reaction from happening in the body
Non-specific Interaction don’t do anything to the persons body, it has another action
Non-specific Interaction example Antibiotics
Enzyme interaction example ACE inhibitors
Theraputic index ratio between a drug's theraputic benefit and it's toxis effects
Tolerance A decreasing response to repeated drug use
Dependance a physiological or psychological need for a drug
additive effect drugs with similar actions work together
synergistic effect combined effect is greater than if used alone
antagonist effect drug effects are less than if given separately
idiosyncratic reaction abnormal response to the drug
iatrogenic effects unintentional treatment
teratogenic effects drugs harmful to fetus
mutagenic drug causes alteration in chromosome structure
Carcinogenic chemicals and drugs that cause cancer
C-1 drug no medical reason to give
C-2 drug highly addictive but have medical use
C-3 counted meds
C-4 counted meds
C-5 controlled but sold OTC
Saw Palmetto diuretic, treatment of BPH
Garlic blood thinner
Goldenseal Antibacterial, antifungal, and antiprotozoal
Ginko Biloba helps boosts memory
St. Johns Wart antidepressant
Valerian sleep aid
adverse effects of opioids sedation, respiratory depression, euphoria, bradycardia
meperidine-like drugs fentanyl, -nil drugs
Mathadone-like drugs methadone
morphine-like drugs heroin, codine, hydrocodone
other classification tramadol
Created by: alysha_smith
Popular Pharmacology sets




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