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Circulatory System

Circulatory System Terms

Circulatory System is made up of the heart and blood vessels and blood
Deoxygenated Blood Blood without or little oxygen
Oxygenated Blood Blood with oxygen
Vein the blood vessel that brings blood to the heart
Artery the blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
Coronary arteries the hearts own blood supply
Atrium Chamber found at the top of each side of the heart
Ventricle Chamber found at the bottom of each side of the heart
Capillary they link arteries with veins
Capillary Bed a collection of capillaries
Hemoglobin a molecule specially designed to hold oxygen and carry it to cells that need it
Lymphocyctes a type of white blood cell that fight disease by making antibodies to destroy invaders
Platelets are bits of cells that break off larger cells to form blood clots
Plasma a straw colored liquid that carries the cells and platelets which help blood clot
Urea Waste material found in blood
Blood Vessels are the pathway for our blood to travel around our bodies
Aorta the largest artery in the body
Septum muscle between the two sides of the heart
valves the gateway between the chambers in the heart
Red Blood Cell a biconcave disc that is round and flat without a nucleus
Food, oxygen & waste the three things that blood carries
2 weeks How long do your white blood cells last in your body before new ones are made?
4 months How long do your red blood sells last in your body before new ones are made?
100,000 How many times a day does your blood go through your body?
35-40 seconds How long does it take for your blood to travel through your body when relaxed?
10 seconds How long it takes for your blood to travel through your body when exercising?
Bone marrow Where are blood cells made?
Created by: raydavis
Popular Miscellaneous sets




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