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RADT 316

To ensure that both joints are included on an AP projection of the tibia and fibula on an adult, the technologist should: Turn image receptor diagonally
A mediolateral knee radiograph that is over rotated toward the image receptor can be recognized by which of the following? The fibular head will appear less superimposed by the tibia than a true lateral.
Follow-up radiographs for a fractured tibia and fibula MAY inclulde only the joint closest to the site of injury True
Which projection of the knee will best demonstrate the styloid process of the fibula without superimposition? AP Oblique with Medial Rotation
What is the major disadvantage of using 45 degree of flexion for the mediolateral projection of the knee? Draws the patella into the intercondylar sulcus
How much flexion of the knee is recommended for the lateral projection of the patella? 5 to 10 degrees or less
Which special position of the knee requires that the patient be placed supine with 40 degree flexion of the knww with CR angled 30 degree from long axis of femur and allows for a non-weight bearing view of the patella with relaxed quadriceps mucles? Bilateral merchant Method
The posterior visibility of yjr adductor tubercle on a mediolateral projection (Lateral position) of the knee indicates? A true lateral knee
What is the minimum SID recommeneded for the superoinferior sitting tangential method for the patella (Hobbs Modification)? 48 to 50 inches
The adductor tubercle is present on the lateral femoral condyle and con be used to determine possible rotation of a lateral knee projection. False
A radiograph of a lateral projection of the patella reveals that the femoropatellar joint space s not open. the patella is within the intercondylar sulcus. the most likely cause of this is: Excessive Flexion of the knee
A radiograph of a PA axial projection for the intercondylar fossa does not demonstrate the fossa well. It is forshortened. the following positioning factors were used: pateint prone, knee flexed 40 to 45 degrees, CR angled to be perpendicular to the femur CR must be perpendicular to lower leg
A radiograph of an AP knee reveals rotation with almost total superimposition of the tibular head and the proximal tibia. What must the technologist do to correct this positioning error on the repeat Rotate the knee medially slightly
Which one of the following projections will best demonstrate signs of Osgood-schlatter diease? AP and lateral knee
The adductor tubercle is located on the posterior aspect of the medial femoral condyle. True
The distal tibiofibular joint is classified as: fibrous
A patient enters the ER with a possile transverse fracture of the patella. Which of the following routines would safely provide the best image of the patella? AP and horizontal beam lateral, no flexion
A patient comes to radiology with a history of chondromalacia of the patella. The orthopedic surgeon is concerned about possible loose bodies in the femoropatellar joint space. She wants the best projection to demonstate this joint space. Of the following Merchant method
the medial malleolus is part of the: Tibia
What is the centeral ray angle for an AP projection of the lower leg? 0 degrees
A pateitn comes to the radiology department for a knee study with special interest in the region of the proximal tibiofibular joint and the lateral condyle of the tibia. Which of the following positioning routines should the technologist obtain? AP, Lateral, and medial Oblique knee
Where is the centeral ray directed for an AP projection of the knee? 1/2 inch below the patellar apex
The centeral-ray angulation for a mediolateral projection (lateral position) of the knee is: 5-7 degrees cephalad
When the ASIS to tabletop measurement is greater than 24 cm, the central-ray angulation for an AP knee is: 3-5 degrees caudad
A tear of the tibial (Medial) collatearl ligament (MCL) due to a trauma injury is fraquently associated with tears of the: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the medial meniscus
To reduce scatter radiation during tabletop procedures, the Bucky tray should not be positioned directly under the lower limb being radiographed. True
Saclike structures found in the knee joint that allow smooth articulation between ligaments and tendons are called: Bursa
The patellofemoral joint is a ______ joint with a ______ type of movement. Synovial; sellar
The patella is drawn into the intercondylar sulcus when the knee is overextended. False
The best method of evaluating injuries to the menisci and ligaments of the knee join involves: An MRI Procedure
Which tendon attaches directly to the tibial tuberosity? Patellar
What CR angulation is requred for an AP projection of the knee on a patient with an ASIS to tabletop measurement of 18 cm? 3 to 5 degrees caudad
For the AP weight-bearing knee projection on an average patient, the CR should be: Perpendicular to the image receptor
Another term for osteomalacia is rickets? True
Another term for osteochondroma is: Exostosis
Which of the following projection of the patella requires the patient to be placed in a prone position, a 45 degrees flexion of the knee, and a 15 to 20 degree angle of the CR? Hughston method
Which of the following knee projection requires the use of a special IR holding device? bilateral merchant method
A radiograph apperance of a well-circumscribed lucency within bones descrabes: bone cyst
A radiographis appearance of a highly malignant and extensive destructive lesion tath usually occurs in long bones and produces a sunburst pattern describes: An osteogenis sarcoma
Another term for the intercondylar sulcus is the: Femoropatellar joint space
The correct IR size for an AP knee is: 10x12 lengthwise
The oblique that is useful for seeing the patella projected slightly beyond the edge of teh lateral femoral condyle and the fibula superimposed over the lateral half of the tibia tangential Oblique
Created by: meechthebeech91
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