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Medical Term CH 5

Medical Terminology, A Programmed Systems Approach Dennerll and Davis

Medical TerminologyMedical Terminology Define
agenesis lack of development
amenorrhea absence of menstruation
apepsia cessation of digestion
aphasia unable to speak
aphonia no voice, unable to make sounds
apnea absence of breathing
audiogram graphic recording of hearing function
audiometry process of testing hearing
bacillus rod shaped bacterium
bradycardia slow heart rate
bradypepsia slow digestion
bradyphagia slow eating (swallowing)
bradypnea slow breathing
calculi small stones
carcinogenesis formation of cancer
cholangiogram x-ray of the bile ducts
cholecyst gallbladder
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
cholecystogram x-ray of the gallbladder
cholecystography process of obtaining x-ray of the gallbladder
cholecystotomy incision of the gallbladder
cholelith gallstones
cholelithiasis infestation with gallstones
coccus berry-shaped bacterium
dactylitis inflammation of the fingers or toes
dactylogram fingerprint
dactylospasm spasm of the digit
diplobacillus double bacterium
diplococci cocci growing in pairs
dipsomania abnormal compulsion to drink
dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
dyspepsia poor digestion
dysphasia difficulty speaking, garbled words
dysphagia difficulty swallowing
dysphonia difficulty making sounds with voice
hydrocephalus enlarged head due to fluid accumulation (congenital)
hyperthermia abnormally high body temperature
hypothermia abnormally low body temperature
lithometer instrument to measure stones
lithotomy incision for the removal of stones
macroblast abnormally large immature cells
macrocephalus large head size
macrocheilia enlarged lips
macrococcus large coccus
macrocyte large cell
macrodactylia abnormally large digits
macroglossia abnormally large tongue
macrorhinia abnormally large nose
microcardia abnormally small sized heart
microcephalus abnormally small sized head
microcyst a small cyst
microcyte a small cell
microgram one millionth of a gram
microsurgery surgery performed using a microscope or other magnifying device
moniliasis yeast infection
oncogenic tumor forming
otic pertaining to the ear
otorrhea discharging from the ear
otodynia ear pain
otoscope instrument to look into the ear
paraphasia abnormal speech
pathogenic disease producing
peptic pertaining to digestion
phasology the study of speech
phonic pertaining to the voice
phonology the study of voice sounds
polydactylism condition of having more than 5 digits on hands or feet
polydipsia condition of excessive thirst
prodrome symptoms before the onset of a disease
pyogenic pus forming
pyorrhea flow or discharge of pus
pyothorax pus in the chest cavity
rhinitis inflammation of the nose
rhinolith calculus in the nasal passages
rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose
rhinorrhea runny nose
staphylectomy excision of the uvula
staphylitis inflammation of the uvula
staphylococci bacteric growing in bunches
staphyloplasty surgical repair of the uvula
streptococci round bacteria growing in twisted chains
synarthrosis joint that are fused and immovable
syndactylism fingers or toes that are fused
syndrome symptoms that occur together to characterize a disease
synergistic working together
tachycardia fast heart rate
tachyphagia fast eating
tachypnea fast breathing
thermal pertaining to heat
thermoesthesia oversensitivity to heat
thermogensis generation of heat
thermophobia abnormal fear of heat
thermoplegia paralysis caused by a person being exposed to too high of a temperature
trichomoniasis infestation with trichomonas
tympanic pertaining to the eardrum
tympanectomy excision of the eardrum
tympanometry process of measuring eardrum function
tympanotomy incision into the eardrum
tympanites distended with gas
Created by: Sassyconch
Popular Radiology sets




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