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body systems ch.7

body systems ch7 exam review

body systems ch7 questionsbody systems ch7 answers
a mechanical device for artifical ventilation of the lungs that is used to replace or supplement the patient's natural breathing function. ventilator
the passage of a tube through the nose or mouth into the trachea to establish or maintain an open airway. endotracheal intubation
the surgical removal of all or part of a lung. pneumonectomy
a surgical incision through the chestwall into the pleural space for the visual examination of internal organs and the procurement of tissue specimens. thoracotomy
an emergency procedure in which an incision is made into the trachea to gain access to the airway below a blockage. tracheotomy
the surgical puncture of the chest wall with a needle to obtain fluid from the pleural cavity. thoracocentesis
the visual examination of the bronchi using a bronchoscope. bronchoscopy
a group of tests used to measure the capasity of the lungs to hold air as well as their ability to move air in & out and to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. pulmonary function tests
a diagnostic test for tuberculosis that is performed to confirm the results of a screening test. mantoux skin test
a contagious bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract that is characterized by recurrent bouts of a paroxysmal cough; also known as whooping cough. pertussis
the progressive loss of lung function that is commonly atributed to long term smoking. emphysema
is easy or normal breathing. eupnea
any change in vocal quality including hoarseness and weakness, or the cracking of a boys voice in puberty. dysphonia
the condition of having subnormal oxygen levels in the body tissues and cells; less severe than anoxia. hypoxia
an abnormally rapid rate of respiration usually of more than 20 breaths per minute. tachypnea
blue discoloration of the skin caused by a lack of adequate oxygen. cyanosis
an abnormally slow rate of respiration, usually of less than 10 breaths per minute. bradypnea
a condition of having subnormal oxygen level in the blood. hypoxemia
the absense of oxygen from the blood gases or tissues. anoxia
a genetic disorder in which the lungs and pancreas are clogged with large quantities of abnormally thick mucus. cystic fibrosis
the form of pneumoconiosis caused by coal dust in the lungs; also known as black lung disease. anthracosis
an accumulation of pus or injected fluid in the pleural cavity, also known as pyothorax. empyema
another term for a nosebleed is- epistaxis
the flue is also known as- influenza
what is the portion of the throat that is visible when looking into the mouth? oropharynx
the upper respiratory consists of what? nose, mouth, pharynx, epilottis, larynx, and trachea.
incomplete or imperfect atel/o
bronchial tube, bronchus bronch/o
blue cyan/o
stretching, dialation, enlargement -ectasis
larynx, throat laryng/o
oxygen ox/o
throat, pharynx pharyng/o
sound, voice phon/o
pleura, side of the body pleur/o
lung, air pneum/o
fast, rapid tachy
chest pleural cavity -thorax
trachea, windpipe trache/o
the lower respiratory tract consists of the __ __ and __. boncial tree and lungs
the __ is also known as the throat. pharynx
mucous membranes are specialized tissues taht line the __, __, __, and __ systems. respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and unirary
the __ is a lid like structure located at the base of the tongue. epiglottis
the cavity located between the lungs is called? mediastinum
the substance that the mucous membranes secrete? mucus
what is the membrane that covers the outer surface of the lung called? pleura
the exchange of gases within the cells of all the body organs and tissues. in this process, oxygen passes from the bloodstream into the tissue cells. internal respiration
commonly known as breathing, is the act of bringing air into and out of the lungs. external respiration
what is paralysis of the larynx? laryngoplegia
how many lobes does the left lung have? 2
how many lobes does the right lung have? 3
what is the trachea also known as? windpipe
the heart, aorta, esophagus, and trachea are located in the __. mediastinum
the __ acts as a lid over the entrance to the esophagus. epiglottis
the innermost layer of the pleura is known as the __. visceral pleura
the _ sinuses are located just above the eyes. fontal
the smallest divisions of the bronchial tree are the __ bronchioles
during respiration, the exchange of gases takes place through the walls of the __. alveoli
the term meaning spitting blood or blood-stained sputum is__. hemopytsis
black lung disease is the lay term for __. anthracosis
the term __ means an abnomally rapid rate of respiration. tachypnea
the term meaning any voice impairment is __. dysphonia
first division of the pharynx nasopharynx
second division of the pharynx oropharynx
third division of the pharynx laryngopharynx
voice box refers to- larynx
windpipe refers to- trachea
the exchange of gases within the cells of the body is known as __ respiration. internal
the term that describes the lung disease caused by cotton dust __. byssinosis
the form of pneumonia that can be prevented through vaccination is __. bacterial
the term commonly known as shortness of breath is __. dyspnea
the emergency procedure to gain access below a blocked airway is called __. tracheotomy
acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD
severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS
sudden infant death syndrome SIDS
upper respiratory infection URI
the term meaning the acf of drawing a foreign substance into the upper respiratory tract is __. aspiration
the term meaning abnormally rapid deep breathing is __. hyperventilation
the term meaning the surgical repair of the trachea is __. tracheoplasty
the diaphragm is relaxed during __. exhalation
during a/an __ attack, the muscles of the airways contract. laryngospasm
the term meaning an absence of spontaneous respiration is __ apnea
the sudden spasmodic closure of the larynx is a/an __. laryngospasm
the term meaning pain in the pleura or in the side is __. pleurdynia
the term meaning bleeding from the lungs is__ pneumorrhagia
T/F - Emphysema is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. True
T/F- Croup is an allergic reaction to airborne allergens. False
T/F- In atelectasis the lung fails to expand because air cannot pass beyond the bronchioles that are blocked by secretions. True
This is a genetic disorder in which the lungs are clogged with large quanitities of abnormally thick mucus. cystic fibrosis (CF)
surgically removing a portion of the pleura, this procedure is called __. pleurectomy
surgical repair of the larynx, this procedure is called __. laryngoplasty
a metered dose inhaler contains a __, this medication expands the opening of the passages into the lungs. bronchodialator
an immunization commonly known as a flur shot prevents __. influenza
another word for nose bleed - epistaxis
an accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity. this diagnosis is recorded on a chart as__. hemothorax
this is performed to correct damage to the septum of the nose. septoplasty
inflammation of the bronchial walls. bronchitis
permanent placement of a breathing tube- tracheostomy
the irreversible enlargement of bronchi or bronchioles that is commonly accompanied by chronic infection is known as__. emphysema
the term meaning a bluish discoloration of the skin caused by a lack of adequate oxygen is __. cyanosis
the term meaning paralysis of the vocal bands is __. laryngoplegia
the pattern of alternating periods of rapid breathing, slow breathing, and the absence of breathing is known as __. cheyne-stokes respiration
the term meaning an abnormal discharge from the pharynx is __. pharyngorrhea
inflammation of the lungs__. pneumonitis
a specialist in the study of the larynx is __. laryngologist
the term meaning bleeding from the larynx is __. laryngorrhagia
the term meaning inflammation of both the pharynx and the larynx is __. pharyngolaryngitis
the term meaning the abnormal narrowing of the lumen of the trachea is ___. tracheostenosis
the term meaning the surgical repair of a bronchial defect is __. bronchoplasty
the term meaning inflammation of the epiglottis is __. epiglottitis
the term meaning the inspection of both the trachea and bronchi through a bronchoscope is __. tracheobronchoscopy
the term meaning paralysis of the walls of the bronchi is ___. bronchoplegia
are the specialized tissues that line the respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and urinary systems. mucous membranes
this cavity is located between the lungs. mediastinum
the _ extends from the neck into the chest, directly in front of the esophagus, and is held open by a series of C-shaped cartilage rings. trachea
trachea is known as the windpipe
within the lung, the bronchus divides the subdivies into increasingly smaller bronchi. ___ are the smallest branches of the bronchi. bronchioles
what is known as whooping cough? pertussis
is the paralysis of the larynx. laryngoplegia
___ is any change in vocal quality including hoarseness, weakness, or the cracking of a boy's voice in puberty. dysphonia
__ is excessive discharge of mucus from the bronchi. bronchorrhea
___ also known as pyothorax, is an accumulation of pus, or infected fluid, in the pleural cavity. emphyema
this means stretching. ectasis
this means spitting. ptysis
this means dust. coni
Created by: jrw4274



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