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GIS Test

gastrointestinal sys

L2 level Duodenal bulb
L3 level umbilicus
L4 level iliac crest
what does proximal mean where the food starts
proximal portion of stomach fundus
during a prone projection, where is the air fundus
hustra loops of bowel
proximal of small bowel duodenum
smallest portion of small bowel duodenum
size of duodenum a few inches
size of jejunum 2/5 of bowel
part of bowel most obstructions occur jejunum
ileum size 3/5 of bowel
psoas major
swallowing deglutition
completion of digestive process in small bowel
4 parts of stomach cardia fundus body pyloric portion
cardia section of stomach immediately surrounding esophageal opening
fundus superior portion of stomach
fundus referred to as... when patient is upright and gas is in there gas bubble
function of sm. intestine digestion and absorption
3 parts of sm intestine duodenum jejunum ileum
widest portion of sm intestine duodenum
duodenum begins at... pylorus
large intestine begins at... right iliac region
4 parts of large intestine cecum colon rectum anal canal
4 parts of colon ascending transverse descending sigmoid
ileus obstruction of a feathery appearance occurring in the small bowel
valsalva maneuver position head in trendelenburg
valsalva maneuver straining
valsalva maneuver aka wolf method
AP-barium in... fundus
barium in fundus during which projections AP/AP obliques
Projection visualizes duodenal bulb with CR RAO with CR at L2
position of head of pancreas on RAO proj within C-loop
Barium needs to reach what portion for a study to be complete of the intestines Terminal ileum
appendix comes off of... cecum
enteroclysis tube down throat into sm. bowel
enteroclysis used when.. patient can't keep barium down
2 purposes of KUB make sure there was no previous study done, calcifications
t/f: can see diverticulum on a KUB false
Air contrast shows small lesions within mucosal lining
Air contrast aka double contrast
barium only aka single contrast
volvulus shape kidney
2 shapes of intesusseption telescoping, acordion
Biphasic single and double contrast done on same day
2 parts of digestive sys accessory glands alimentary canal
4 accessory glands salivary glands liver gallbladder pancreas
chyme food that has been mechanically and chemically altered in stomach
achalasia failure of smooth muscle of alimentary canal to relax
Barrett esophagus peptic ulcer of lower esophagus, often with stricture
Bezoar Mass in stomach formed by material that does not pass into intestine
billiary stenosis narrowing of bile ducts
celiac disease aka sprue
sprue/celiac disease affects the jejunum
cholecystitis acute/chronic inflammation of gallbladder
choleodocholithiasis calculus in common bile duct
cholelithiasis gallstones
colitis inflammation of colon
gastritis inflammation of lining of stomach
hiatal hernia protrusion of stomach through esophageal hiatus of diaphragm
ileus failure of peristalsis
Meckel diverticulum diverticulum of distal ileum
pancreatic pseudocyst collection of debris, fluid, pancreatic enzymes and blood as a complication of acute pancreatitis
average emptying time of stomach 3-4 hrs
Right anterior oblique, GI series: demonstrates -CR duodenal bulb and head of pancreas within c-loop -L2
GI series: PA projection CR -Demonstrates L2 -air in fundus
Barium swallow: head in -4 projections with CR trendelenburg -AP, RPO, LPO, Right Lateral; CR perpendicular to midpoint of IR @ level of T5 and T6
Barium swallow obliques may be done in a ... position Anterior (RAO and LAO)
Wolf method position: -helps ... and may demonstrate ... trendelenburg -helps fill distal esophagus and may demonstrate hiatal hernia
Small bowel series time frame 20-30 mins
Small bowel series position -CR PA -iliac crest (may need to center a little above or below)
Barium is followed until ... for small bowel series it reaches terminal ileum/ileocecal valve/cecum
Have ... available to speed peristalsis on a small bowel series reglan and ice cold water
4 GI series projections -AP -Right Lateral -Right anterior oblique -PA -
Scout/KUB CR iliac crest
AP GI series: Barium in fundus
CR AP GI series left of L1
Right lateral, GI series, position of stomach anterior
CR right lateral for GI series L1
RAO GI series demonstrates duodenal bulb, head of pancreas in c-loop
CR RAO GI series L2
PA GI series CR L2
PA projection, GI series, air in fundus
Created by: dina11
Popular Radiology sets




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