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Psychology Exam 3

Chapters 3 and 4

Learning experiences that result in the change of behavior
Habituation ignoring a stimulus that continues to be presented
Dishabituation focusing on stimuli that you normally wouldn't
Classical Conditioning type of learning related to associations
Who discovered classical conditioning? Pavlov
Unconditioned Stimulus natural response or unconditioned response, reflexive
Neutral Stimulus pairing or typically wouldn't cause a response
Conditioned stiumlus manipulated, paring of unconditioned stimulus with neutral stimulus creating conditioned response
Contiguity time, how close together 2 things are presented , CS and US
Contingently reliability, consistency, every time presented its paired together, the behavior is acquired
Extinction removing the conditioned stimulus, stop pairing, ONLY present conditioned stimulus
Spontaneous Recovery all of a sudden the conditioned response comes back and goes back down after a bit
Operant Conditioning learning through consequences of behaviors
Who created operant conditioning? Thorndike, also created Law of Effect
Behavior with positive consequences behavior-> positive consequences we are likely to do that behavior again
Behavior with negative consequences behavior-> negative consequences they won't repeat the behavior again
Reinforcement increasing likelihood a behavior will happen
Positive Reinforcement adds something pleasant
Negative Reinforcement removes something that's unpleasant
Punishment decreasing a behavior
Positive Punishment adding something unpleasant
Negative Punishment removing something unpleasant
B.F. Skinner -skinner box
Shaping building a new behavior by rewarding steps toward and ultimately rewarding the behavior
Schedules of Reinforcement Ratio and Interval
Ratio -based on behavior
Fixed Ratio always happens at the same time for example every other
Variable Ratio on average
Interval based on time
Fixed Interval every 5 minutes there will be a reward
Fixed variable on average every 5 minutes, not consistently five minutes
Variable most resilient to extinction (so not likely to become extinct)
Bandura bobo doll experiment 3 Groups -rewarded -punished -no consequences
Independent Variable of Bobo The groups
Dependent Variable of Bobo the child's aggression towards Bobo
encode putting in your memory
storage retaining our memories
retrieval going and getting the memory
2 typles of memory explicit and implicit
Explicit Memory aware of that memory
Implicit Not aware of that memory
3 Stage Model Stimuli-> Sensory Memory/Registy-> Short Term Memory->Long Term Memory
Sensory Memory/Registration last a few seconds
Short Term Memory 30 seconds
Long Term Memory goes here if rehearsed and retrieved from short term memory
Maintenance Rehearsal repeating information over and over to keep it in short term memory for an extended period of time
Elaborative Rehearsal forming associations between information one is trying to learn and information already stored in the long term memory so as to facilitate the transfer of this new information into the long term memory
Chunking grouping items together
Levels of Processing Semantic Network, Structural Coding, Phonemic Errors, Semantic
Semantic Network relating things together
Structural Coding mistaken by makeup of word (sight)
Phonemic Erros based on sound
Semantic meaning
Serial Position Curve order of how you remember things
Primary Effect Beginning you remember more
Recency Effect last thing said is remembered because it is recent in your mind
Working Memory Model happens in parallel or at same time (faster)
Working Memory Model STM-> Working Memory-> Long Term Memory-> back to Working Memory and then back to Short to Memory
Working Memory middle man and does all the processing and is elaborative rehearsal
Procedural Memory long term memory for skills and behaviors, implicit memory (cerebellum)
Retrograde amnesia lost past memory
Anterograde Amnesia can't make new memories
Recall a type of retrieval process in which the probe or cue does not contain much info
Recognition a type of retrieval process in which the probe or cue contains a great deal of info, including the term being sought
Decay Theory memories not routinely activated in the LTM the memory will degrade
Tip of the Tongue Phenomena knowing that you know a piece of info even though you cannot recall it at the moment
Proactive Interference when older memory traces inhibit the retrieval of new memory traces (interference)
Retroactive Interference new memories inhibit old memories (interference)
Cue-dependent forgetting a type of forgetting that occurs when one cannot recall info in a context other than the context in which it was encoded
Repression FREUD- forgetting unpleasant memories and remember them years later when triggered by cues(pushed into the unconscious)
Flashbulb Memory an unusually detailed and seemingly accurate memory for an emotionally charged event
Reconstructive Memory memory that is based on the retrieval of memory traces that contain the actual details of events we have experienced
Constructive Memory memory that utilizes knowledge and expectations to fill in the missing details of events we have experienced
Misinformation Effect the distortion of memory that occurs when people are exposed to misinformation, asked a question in a leading way, eyewitness testimony, way memory is asked about distorts your memory
Memory Consolidation the stabilization and long term storage of memory traces in the brain
Forgetting Curve you forget after 2 days, you forget most of what you've learned over a few hours it's lost
Schema the way to organize general knowledge in LTM
Scripts help vs. function day to day and know how to behave
Declarative easy to verbalize cause it's conceptual info, semantic memory, found in hippocampus
Episodic memories and events
Autobiographical self
Observational Learning learning through observing others behaviors and imitating them
Semantic Encoding putting things in memory by tying them to things already in brain to put in schema
Law of Effect in a given situation behaviors that lead to positive satisfying consequences will be strengthened such that the next time the situation occurs the behavior is more likely to be repeated
Created by: Alisicia
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