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Psych Exam 3

Chapter 8

Herman Ebbinghaus (1850-1909) studied capacity of memory Method: Nonsense syllables
Memory Processing 3 types of memory processing (Encoding, Storage, Retrieval)
Encoding Forming mental representation of information form the outside world
Storage Maintaining information in the memory system
Retrieval Recalling stored information
Sensory Memory Sensory information form the environment is processed/ filtered 2 types: Iconic & echonic
Iconic Memory Visual images; lasts 1-5 seconds; very large capacity
Echonic Memory Auditory images; lasts 5-10 seconds; unlimited capacity
Sperling Studies (1960;1963) flashed arrays of numbers/ letters quickly & asked subjects to report what they remember
Short Term Memory Hold limited amount of information Millers' Magic Number: 7 +- 2
Chunking grouping items to improve memory
Working Memory Baddeley identified STM as a "Working Memory" More active than short term
Long Term Memory Preservation of information for retrieval at any later time Virtually unlimited capacity & duration
Implicit (Non-declarative) Memories that can't be brought to mind consciously but can be expressed in behavior
Explicit (Declarative) Conscious memory for facts & events 2 types: episodic & semantic
Episodic Memories for special events, objects, & situations
Semantic Memories for ideas, rules, & general concepts about the world
Flashbulb Vivid, detailed recollections of momentous events EX: car accidents, 9/11
Forgetting 5 types: failure to encode, decay, motivated forgetting, interference, amnesia
Failure to Encode never gets in
Decay use it or loose it
Motivated Forgetting some things we don't want to remember
Proactive Interference The disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information
Retroactive Interference The disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information
Amnesia Direct impact of any injury to the brain
Retrograde Amnesia Memories are from before injury
Anterograde Memories are lost from after injury
Misinformation Effect Recall of event is altered by introducing misleading post-event information
Source Amnesia Making incorrect attributions about the origins of memories
Difference between false & true memories False memories are indistinguishable from true memories
Recognition The identification of a stimulus as having been experienced before
Recall Reproducing information that was previously presented
Serial Position Effect pg 318
Primary Effect Improved memory for items at start of list
Recency Effect Improved memory for items at end of list
Shallow Processing Attend to the 1st letter of each word in the list
Medium Processing Identifying a word that rhymes with each word
Deep Processing Thinking about the semantic meaning of each word
Self-Referencing Think about whether or not each word describes some aspect of yourself
State Dependent Memory Memories are aided or impeded by a person's internal state
Context Dependent Memory Memories can be helped or hindered by similarities/differences where learning & recall occur
Mnemonics Strategies for placing information in an organized context to remember it
Massed vs. Distributed Practice cramming vs. studying over time
Created by: 100000779212541
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