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holes vocabulary

prey an animal hunted or killed by another animal for food
upholstery used to make a soft covering especially for a seat
intensity the quality or state of being intense
stationary fixed in a station,course,or position
scowl to make a frowning expression with your face
evaporated soaked up
appropriate especially suitable or fitting
engraved something carved into an object
fossilized changed to a fossil
radiate to proceed in a direct line from or toward a center
callous thickened and usually hardened skin
writhe to twist and turn this way and that
defiance tendency to resist
venom poison produced by an animal and passed to a victim
connection something you connected
refuge a place that provides shelter and protection
recede to move back or away
systematic presented or worked out as a system
precipies a very steep and high face of a rock or mountain
dread great fear especially in the face of approaching harm
aroma a noticeable and pleasant smell
before in advance
bland not much flavor
brittle easily broken cracked or snapped
Cluster a number of similar things growing, collected, or grouped together
combine to put together
consume to use up
crave to have a strong desire for something
cultivate to prepare land for the raising of crops
equivalent a number that is equivalent to another
export to carry or send abroad especially for sale in another country
extract to remove by pulling
introduce to lead or bring in
purchase to buy something
tropical a hot place
humid damp moist
horizon the line where the earth or sea seems to meet the sky
delirious wildly excited
jut to stick out,up, or forward
feeble lacking in strength or endurance
lurch to move with a lurch
mirage an illusion that gives the appearanceof a pool of water
deprive to take something away
hesitate to stop or pause
fidget a restlessness as shown by nervous movements
contrite very sorry for a wrong that one has done
distinct real and different form each other
adjacent having a common vertex and side
pronounced very noticeable
authenticated to prove that something is authentic
amid in or into the middle of something
precarious depending on unknown conditions or chance events
jurisdiction the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law
legitimate born of parents who are married
incarcerate to put in prison
perserverance sticking to a task until it is done
gestured to make or direct with a motion
expelling to drive or force out
deftly quick and neat in action
scarcity not having as much of something as people would like
desolate abandoned
expanse a wide space, area, or stretch
excavated to dig out and remove
perimeter the boundary of a closed planefigure or area
juvenile showing incomplete development
grimace a twist of the face
stifling lack of oxygen
preposterous making little or no sense
forlorn nearly hopeless
spigot__ a plug used to stop the vent in a barrel
genre the type of story
author person who writes the book
setting where and when the story take place
main characters the important people
theme the underlying or stated main idea of a story
two conflict categories external and internal
three type of conflict man vs man, man vs self, man vs man
climax one large event that changes the outcome of the entire story
plot summary- sequence of events
critique a readers personal thoughts
Created by: 65263
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