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Reid Climates/Ecos

3-Climate and Weather

weather condition of the air and sky at a certain time
climate average weather of a place over many years
precipitation water that falls to the ground as rain, snow, sleet, or hail
temperature measure of how hot or cold the air is
polar zone areas north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle; also known as high latitudes
temperature zone areas between the high and low latitudes; also known as middle latitudes
high latitudes areas north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle; also known as polar zone
middle latitudes areas between the high and low latitudes; also known as temperate zone
tropics areas between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn; also known as low latitudes
altitude height above sea level
low latitudes area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn; also known as tropics
water cycle the movement of water from Earth's surface into the atmosphere and back
evaporation process in which a liquid changes to a gas
intertropical convergence zone belt of rising air near the Equator
tropical cyclone intense rainstorm with strong winds that forms over oceans in the tropics
hurricane tropical cyclone that forms over the tropical Atlantic Ocean
tornado swirling funnel of wind that can reach 200 miles per hour
tropical wet climate climate with hot temperatures and heavy rainfall year-round
tropical wet and dry climate climate with a wet season in summer and a dry season in winter
humid subtropical climate climate with year-round precipitation, mild winters, and hot summers
maritime climate climate that is wet year-round, with mild winters and cool summers
subarctic climate climate with limited precipitation, cool summers, and very cold winters
semiarid climate dry climate
arid climate very dry desert climate
tundra area with limited vegetation, such as moss and shrubs
deciduous tree tree that loses its leaves in the fall
coniferous tree tree that produces cones to carry seeds
savanna park-like landscape of grasslands with scattered trees that can survive dry spells, found in tropical areas with dry seasons
ecosystem group of plants and animals that depend on each other and their environment for survival
Created by: marydykstra
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