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Psychology Exam 1

What is Psychology? the scientific/systematic study of human behavior at an individual level.
What is Sociology? the study of human behavior at the group level
What is Anthropology? the study of human behavior at a cultural level
Who are the 3 main influences of modern psychology? Sigmund Freud, Ivan Pavolov, & Ebbinhaus
Sigmund Freud father of modern psychiatry, Austrian from Vienna, psycosexual studies, medical psychology
Ivan Pavlov experimental physiology, studies the way the body works, digestion, "pavlovs dogs", physical reactions based on EXPERIENCE
Ebbinghaus philosophy, studies memory, "where does our memory go?", the deep questions of life can be explained experimentally, not just philosophically.
What is the 5 step process of modern psychology? observe, describe, understand, predict, control
Observe We are built to record data, best done in a lab, sometimes in the "field", problem of "reactive measure."
Describe best done with numbers-quantify, psychometrics,
Understand best done by stating a theory, hypothesis,
Predict best done with an experiment, manipulating one variable to detect a difference in another
Control Remember, if you know the y for x, you can control them
Rene Descartes "I think, therefore, I am."
Freud Quote "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
What are the chronological periods of the lifespan? Prenatal,Childhood- infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood
What are the 3 types of development? Psychosexual, Cognitive Development, and Psychosocial
What are the 4 main concepts of Erikson's theory? "critical stage", social learning, tabula rasa, and cumulative effect
What are Erikson's 8 stages of development? Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Identity vs. Diffusion, Intamacy vs. Isolation, Generativity vs. Self-obsorption, Integrity vs. Despair.
Jean Piaget The mind changes qualitatively not just quantitatively, 4 stages of cognative development
Kohlberg moral development, poses moral delimas, didn't understand the holocaust,
What are the 7 contemporary approaches to psychology? Biological, Behavioral, Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Cognitive, Evolutionary, Sociocultural,
Psychodynamic Approach emphasizes unconscious thought, the conflict between biological drives and society's demands
Humanistic Approach emphasizes a person's positive qualities, the capacity for positive growth, and the freedom to choose one's destiny
Cognitive Approach emphasizes the mental processes involved in knowing how we direct our attention
What are Piaget's 4 stages of cognitive development? Sesorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, formal operational stage
What is assimilation? an individuals incorporation of new information into existing knowledge.
What is Accommodation? an individual's adjustment of his or her schemas to new information
Created by: Flidisha
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