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Vital Signs

what is a normal respiratory rate 12-20 breaths per min
what is a normal heart rate 60-100 beats per min
systolic the top number which measures the pressure in the artery when the heart beats
diastolic measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart muscle is resting
what is a normal blood pressure 110-120/70-80
the strentgh (amplitude) of pulse 4-bounding 3-full, increased 2-normal 1-diminished 0-absent
bradycardia slower than normal heart rate <60 beats per min
tachycardia faster than normal heart rate >100 beats per min
hypotension low blood pressure, which can cause dizziness or fainting <90/60
hypertension high blood pressure, which can cause heart disease >140/90
Breathing Pattern: eupnea normal rate (12-20), normal rhythm, Sigh 7/hr causes: normal physiology
Breathing Pattern: apnea absence of breathing causes: respiratory or cardiac arrest, increase intracarnial pressure
Breathing Pattern: bradypnea slow rate (<10 bpm), regular rhythm causes:normal during sleep, brain tumors, diabetic coma, drugs (alchol narcotics), increased intracranial pressure, metabolic alkalosis
Breathing Pattern: tachypnea increased rate (>25 bpm), regular rhythm causes: anxiety, atelectasis, brain lesions, drugs (aspirin), exercise, fear, fever, hypercapnia, hypoxemia, hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, obesity, pain
Breathing Pattern: hypopnea decreased depth of breathing, normal rate, regular rhythm causes: circulatory failure, meningitis, unconsciousness
Breathing Pattern: hyperpnea increased depth of breathing, normal rate, regular rhythm causes: exertion, fever, pain, respiratory disease
Breathing Pattern: apneustic long gasping inspirations with insufficient expiration causes: lesions in the pneumotaxic center
Breathing Pattern: biot's fast and deep breaths with periods of apnea, no set rhythm causes: spinal meningitis, increased intracranial pressure, CNS lesions or disease
Breathing Pattern: cheynes stokes increased breaths (rate and depth) then decreasing breaths followed by periods of apnea (20-60 sec) causes: normal newborns and aged, CHF, aortic valve lesion, dissecting aneurysm, increased CO2 sensitivity meningitis, increased intracranial pressure
Breathing Pattern: kussmaul's fast and deep breaths like sighs with no expiratory phase causes: DKA- diabetic ketoacidosis, severe hemorrhage, peritonitis, renal failure, uremia
Pulse Oximeter noninvasely estimates the hemoglobin oxygen saturation of arterial bloold, they have an accuracy of ±4%, most only measure the percentage of HbO2 relative to the sum of HbO2 and Hb (functional saturation)
Types of Pulse Oximetry Probes: finer probe, foot probe, toe probe, forehead probe, ear probe
Normal Pulse Oximetry (SpO2) for and adult and child adult: 95-99% child:91-96%
SpO2 for Hypoxemia in an Adult mild: 91-94% moderate: 87-90% severe: <87%
SpO2 for Hypoxemia in a Child mild: 88-90% moderate: 76-87% severe: <75%
normal oral temperature 97.7- 99.5 F 36.5- 37.5 C
normal axillary temperatue 96.7- 98.5 F 35.9- 36.9 C
normal rectal and ear temperature 98.7- 100 F 37.1- 38.1 C
can cool or heated aerosols affect a temperature reading? yes it can
Created by: Barbara B.
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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