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hindbrain the oldest part of the brain containing structures controlling basic life-support functions such as breathing and heart rate & the lowest part of the brain
midbrain The part of the brain containing structure which control autonomic movements of the eye muscles & contains nerve pathways that connect the hindbrain with the forebrain, which lies above hindbrain
forebrain Largest and uppermost part of the brain; contains the Thalamus, Hyporthalamus, Limbric System, Basal Ganglia, and Cerebral Cortex
cerebral cortex High mental functions including thinking, language, learning, memory, emotions, and control of voluntary movement
corpus callosum Bundle of never fibers that connect the two cerebral hemispheres
thalamus Relay station for sorting and integrating sensory input: regulation of sleep wake cycles
limbric system Emotional processing, motivated behavior, and learning and memory functioning
basal ganglia Regulation of movement and coordination
occtipital lobes Part of the cerebral cortex which processes visual information
paretal lobes process information relating to sensations of touch, pressure, temperature, pain, and body movement
frontal lobes Part of the cerebral cortex which controls motor responses and high mental functions such as thinking, planning, and problem solving
tempral lobes Part of the cerebral cortex which processes auditory information
types of techniques to study the brain Recording and Imaging Techniques & Experimental Techniques
EEG electroencephalograph) - A device that uses electrodes attached to the skill to record brain wave activity
CT Placement of electrodes in brain tissue to record changes in electrical computed tomography or CAT) scan - A computed enhanced X-ray techniques that can provide images of the internal structures of the brain
PET (positions emission tomography) scan - A method that can provide a computer generated image of the brain, formed by taking the amounts of glucose used in different parts of the brain during different types of activity
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - A method of producing computerized images of the brain and other body parts by measuring the signals they emit when placed in a s throng magnetic field
lesioning Destruction of brain tissue in order to observe the effects on behavior
electrical recoring Placement of electrodes in brain tissue to record changes in electrical activity in response ego particular stimuli
electrical stimulation The use of a mild electric current to observe the effects of stimulating various parts of the brain
lateralization Term that refers to division of functions between the right and left hemispheres of the brain
areas of left brain Verbal functions (for right handers and most left handers), including spoken and written use of language, as well as logical analysis, problem solving, and mathematical computation
areas of right brain Nonverbal functions, including understanding spatial relationships (as presented e.g. in jigsaw puzzles or maps), recognizing faces and interpreting gestures, perceiving and expressing emotion, and appreciating music and art
plasicity ability of the brain to adapt and reorganize itself following trauma or surgical alteration. another part of the brain may take over its functions to a certain extent
nature genetics)(genes)
nurture (environment and culture)(behavior
Created by: nbellamy
Popular Psychology sets




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