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World Geography

Chapter 1 Vocabulary

1.Geography The study of earths surface and the processes that shapes it and the connections between places and the complex relationships between people their environment.
2.GIS A geographic Information system which uses computer technology to collect and analyze data about earths data
3.Absolute Loction The position the earth in which a place can be found.
4.Hemisphere A half of the earth.The equator divides north and the south hemisphere and the prime meridian divides the east and the west hemisphere.
5.Relative Loction The position of one place compared to another place.
6.Character of a place The physical and human characteristics to help distinguish a place from other places.
7.Perception A view point that is influenced by ones own culture and experiences.
8.Formal Region a group of places that have similar attributes, for example, a political region.
9.Functional Region A group of places that is connected by movement.
10.Perceptual Region A group of places that is defined by peoples feelings and attuide.
11. Core The earths center,consisting of very hot metal that is dince in the inner core
12. Mantle A thick layer of mostly solid rock beneath earths crust that surrounds thee earths core.
13.lithosphere the surface features of earths surface.
19. Plate tectonics
20. continental drift theory
21. Ring of fire circle of volcainos surrounding the pafic ocean
22.Weathering breakdown of rock at or near the earths surface into smaller and smaller pieces.
23. Mechanical Weathering occurs when rock is achelly broken or worn down physically.
24. Chemical Weathering expose bedrock to the forces.
25.Acid rain chemicals in the polluted combined with Water vapor and fall back to earth as acid rain
26. erosion Movement of weathered material such as gravel, sand, and soil.
27. sediment Small sediments of gravel, soil and sand
28. loess windblown deposits of mineral-rich or dust and salt
29. glacier huge, slow-moving sheets of ice.
30. moraine left behind ridge-like pails of rocks and debrise.
Created by: Dance1999
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