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HRM - Chapter 3

Vocabulary / key term - By Ian McGonigal

Equal employment opportunity The treatment of individuals in all aspects of employment-hiring, promotion, training, in a fair and nonbiased manner.
Protected classes Individuals of a minority race, women, older people, and those with disabilities who are covered by federal laws on equal employment opportunity,
Bona fide occupational qualification Suitable defense against a discrimination charge only when age, regilion, sex, or national origin is an actual qualification for performance of the job.
Business necessity A work related practice that is necessay to the safe and efficient operation of an organization.
Reasonable accomodation An attempt by employers to ajust, without undue hardship, the working condition or schedules of employees with disabilities or religous preferences.
Disabiled individual Any person who has a physical or mental imairment that substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities.
Fair emloyment practices State and local laws governing equal employement opportunity that are often more comprehensive than federal laws.
Sexual harassment Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in the working enviroment.
Uniform guidlines on employee selection procedures A procedural document published in the federal register to help employers comply with federal regulations against discrimination actions.
Adverse impact A concept that refers to the rejection of a significantly higher percentage of a protected class for employment, placement, or promotion when compared with the sucessful, nonprotected class.
Four-fifths rule A rule of thumb followed by the EEOC in determining adverse impact for use in enforcement proceedings.
Disparate treatment A sistuation in which protected-class members recieve unequal treatment or are evaluated by different standards.
Workforce utilization analysis A process of classifying protected-class members by number and by the type of job they hold within the organization.
EEO-1 report An employer information report that must be filed annually by employers of 100 or more employees to determine an employer's workforce composition.
Charge form A discrimination complaint filled with the EEOC by employees or job applicants.
Affirmative action A policy that goes beyond equal employment opportunity by requiring organizations to compy with the law and correct past discriminatory practices.
Reverse discrimination The act of giving preference to members of protected classes to the extent that unprotected individuals believe they are suffering discrimination.
Created by: maunderingcabal
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