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ThinkPsychology CH08

Memory the brain's system for filing away new information and retrieving previously learned data
Sensory memory a type of memory lasting no more than a few seconds in which the impression of a sensory stimulus is stored
Types of memory Sensory, working and Long-Term
Working memory a type of memory in which information for shortterm use is stored
Long-term memory a type of memory in which information that can last a lifetime is stored
Encoding the process by which sensory information is converted into a form that can be stored
Storage the process by which encoded information is placed into memory
Retrieval the process by which previously stored information is moved from long-term memory to working memory
Forgetting the inability to retrieve information that has been previously stored
Sensory register the parts of the brain that make up sensory memory
Attention the act of applying the mind to a sense or thought3
Conscious encoding a process of encoding that involves paying specific attention to the information to be remembered
Unconscious encoding a process of encoding that does not involve any deliberate thought or action
Visual encoding the process of encoding images
Auditory encoding the process of encoding sounds
Semantic encoding the process of encoding meaning
Chunking the process of organizing large pieces of information into smaller pieces, or chunks
Rote rehearsal the process of repeating information, either out loud or silently, with the intent of learning that information
Pseudoforgetting a type of encoding interference in which information is never actually stored because of some kind of attention interference
Cued forgetting a type of forgetting in which a person is specifically told to forget certain information
Explicit memories memories of which a person is consciously aware
Implicit memories memories of which a person is not consciously aware
Semantic containing factual and conceptual information that is not directly linked to life events
Episodic memories memories in which a person remembers an entire sequence of events
Priming the process of activating associations in memory just before starting a certain task
Procedural memory a type of implicit memory consisting of habits and skills people perform
Conditioning a process in which an implicit memory forms because of repeated exposure to a certain stimulus that causes a reaction in a person
Habituation a process in which repeated exposure to a stimulus reduces the response to that stimulus
Extinction the diminishing of a conditioned response, most often through the removal of the reinforcement associated with the response
Flashbulb memories memories that are immediately stored in long term memory and that are caused by emotional events
Elaborative rehearsal a process in which a person gives meaning to information for the purpose of storing that information in long-term memory
Mnemonics memory aids that give rhyme and reason to lists or other pieces of information
Hypervigilance a state in which a person's "fight or flight" response is fully activated
Retrograde amnesia memory loss characterized by the loss of past memories
Anterograde amnesia memory loss characterized by an ability to form new long-tem memories.
Source amnesia a phenomenon in which a person remembers information but forgets or misremembers where that information came from
Created by: vjambriz
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